Hello Kieren,

> If you know exactly what the layout will be, and it really is just a few 
> measures of split, and you're never going to reuse the material in a 
> different format, then you should probably just use \new Staff at the moment 
> you need it. There are examples of this all over the web (docs, LSR, probably 
> Scores of Beauty, etc.).
This would be what I need :) Unfortunately, I'm too dumb. Sorry, I'm a
c, c++, c#, python, ruby, latex  and many other - developer, but the
lilypond syntax manages to confuse me every time. I'm happy to set
simple scores with lilypond and I really like it - but often, I just
don't get it.

Could you please detail your pointer to the docs? An example would
really be helpfull!

Markus Grunwald

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