Hi Steve,
Am 23.11.2010 um 08:37 schrieb Steve Yegge:

Hi all,

The TabStaff is amazingly cool.  I'm not a big tab user myself,
but for people who want tabs, LilyPond makes it easy to add them.

I've been busily adding tabs for a few months and have some feature
requests to put into the queue if possible.

1) Setting fixed strings to use for ascending/descending chords.
Currently it's nontrivial to specify tab positions for something like:

<c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>
<g g'> <a a'> <b b'> <c c'>

I've found it's most convenient to append the actual strings after
every chord, hence:

<c c'>\5\3 <d d'>\5\3 <e e'>\5\3 <f f'>\5\3
<g g'>\5\3 <a a'>\5\3 <b b'>\5\3 <c c'>\5\3

This is pretty verbose, and only gets worse with more notes:

<c-4 e-3 g-1 c-1>4.\6\5\4\3
<d-4 f-2 a-1 d-1>8\6\5\4\3
<e-4 g-2 b-3 e-1>4.\6\5\4\3
<f-4 a-3 c-1 f-2>8\6\5\4\3
<g-4 b-3 d-1 g-2>4.\5\4\3\2
<a-4 c-2 e-1 a-3>8\5\4\3\2
<b-3 d-1 f-1 b-1>4.\5\4\3\2
<c-4 e-3 g-1 c-2>8\5\4\3\2

Of course with aliases for setting the TabStaff minimumFret you
can make full chords less verbose, but there seems to be no good
way around specifying strings for octave runs.

2) Have the automatic tab calculator understand the -0 fingering.
Currently if you do something like this:

\relative c' {
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #2
  <d'-0 a'-2 d-3 f-1>

It will choose strings 5, 4, 3, 2.  Obviously in this case you could
just set the minimum fret to #0, but this may be an exception to a
passage that is otherwise all in position 2.

Moreover the calculator gets confused by open chords in higher
positions, e.g.

\relative c {
  <e'-2\5 ges-1 d'-3 b-0 b'-4>

It picks correct strings for all the notes except the open b, which
is ignored (and for which a warning is issued).  You can fix it
by specifying the remaining strings:

<e-2\5 gs-1 d'-3 b-0 b'-4>16\4\3\2\1

But it seems like having the tab calculator understand open string
fingerings would solve nicely a number of situations like this.
I am working on a solution that will answer quite a few of your requests. You will be able to choose a certain chord shape for the chords you enter. You won't have to specify strings with string number indications or minimum frets. e.g. for ascending/descending octaves you will just have to enter:

<c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>


<g, g> <a, a> <b, b> <c, c>

With \aShape you will get chords with the root on the 5th string. With \eShape you will get chords/octaves with the root on the 6th string. I have already defined powerchords, quite a few of the four basic triads and some of the ten seventh chords including their inversions. I can add octaves and I might add open chords in higher positions later but it's going to take a while...

3) Being able to specify the frets for harmonics.  I know there's been
some talk about this, but it's a pretty big deal as there's no workaround.
Anyone planning on publishing in the next few months (e.g., me :)
is going to be out of luck.
see Marc Hohl's patch.




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