Am 24.11.2010 06:25, schrieb Steve Yegge:

\include " <>"
music = \relative c {
<a' e' a cs a'>1

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \new TabStaff {
      \transpose c c, { \music }
Just for clarification: as the guitar is notated one octave above its sounding pitch,
I use the following template:

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff {
      \new Voice { \global \clef "treble_8"
                   \override Voice.StringNumber #'transparent = ##t
                   \music }
    \new TabStaff {
       \new TabVoice { \global \clef "moderntab" \music }

The octavated treble clef just does the right thing, and with the override, you
remove the unneccesary string numbers.

In this example, the low A is placed on the 5th fret, 6th string.
The minimum fret is the default (zero), but the tab calculator
does not choose the open-A string, even though it would be
far more convenient to play it that way.  If you annotate it with

<a'-0 e'-1 a-1 cs-1 a'-4>1

it becomes doubly clear to the guitarist that the open-A string is
intended here, both because of the -0 fingering notation and
because it is the only physically reasonable configuration.
I see your point, but I have no idea whether a suitable algorithm
can be found to cope all possible fingerings.

There are actually _two_ signals here that the tab calculator
should be picking up but is not.  They are separate issues.
One is that even though the TabStaff.minimumFret is zero, the
calculator is not actually using the minimum fret.
IIUC, the calculator tries to put all fret positions within a four fret interval,
so <d\5 g> would show up as
 The other is
my #2 feature request, which is that it should respect open
string "fingering" requests, because they are unambiguous.

The workaround is to use string numbers external to the chord.
Putting them next to their notes merely creates redundant and
possibly irritating text for the guitarist to parse.  It's already clear
that it's an open A, so having a circled string number at that
note is pointless.

As mentioned above, the simple override solves at least this problem.



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