2011/2/14 Father Gordon Gilbert <fatherg...@gmail.com>:
> Thank you -- so I did which for both, and with the .py nothing comes
> up, and without, it shows /usr/local/bin.  So how do I get these
> things working?  On this machine, I'll have quite a bit of upgrading,
> from 2.5.x I believe.  Compiling works now, but convert-ly-ing doesn't
> yet, even though I've got /usr/local/bin in the main path now.

I'm glad to see it already works for you. To tell you the truth,
convert-ly doesn'n work for me in lilypondTool.  The whole concept of
the configuration is windows-oriented, that is: set a folder name for
the binaries, then set executable names for commands in that folder.
In Linux we name commands and they work because they are in the path
if they are properly installed.

I'd like to summarize the whole set of configs for lilypondtool
commands, for Linux. Forwarding to Bertalan (its author)

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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