On Oct 26, 2012, at 8:15 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> It would be very helpful to us if you can find some time to *exactly*
> point out what background knowledge you are missing.  

Knowing what you don't know is always difficult. However, here's an example 
where the answer to my question was a bit above my level of understanding. 
Granted, the question was a bit above my level of understanding…

On Sep 7, 2012, at 1:48 AM, David Nalesnik wrote:

> Hi James,
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 5:00 PM, james <james.lilyp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I don't really understand it, but I can modify the examples of how to create 
>> custom dynamics to get what I want.
>> I have a document with several examples like:
>> rinforzamf = #(
>>  make-dynamic-script (
>>     markup #:line (
>>     #:left-align
>>     #:normal-text
>>     #:whiteout
>>     #:italic "rinforza"
>>     #:hspace 0
>>     #:whiteout
>>     #:dynamic "mf"
>>     )
>> )
>> )
>> And a macro that left-aligns it:
>> leftalign = { \once \override Dynamics.DynamicText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 }
>> Heretofore, I've just been manually adding the \leftalign before the 
>> \rinforzamf (for example). Is there a way to get both of these in one 
>> command?
> With the following definitions, you can get what you want with a
> single command.  Also, you can define other such combinations.
> (BTW, I commented out two lines in the markup definition which I don't
> think are needed.)
> HTH,
> David
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.17.1"
> #(define (rinforza text)
> (let* ((text
>       (markup
>         #:line (
>           ;#:left-align
>           #:normal-text
>           #:whiteout
>           #:italic "rinforza"
>           ;#:hspace 0
>           #:whiteout
>           #:dynamic text)))
>       (my-dyn (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent
>                           'text text)))
> (set! (ly:music-property my-dyn 'tweaks)
>         (acons 'self-alignment-X -1
>                    (ly:music-property my-dyn 'tweaks)))
> my-dyn))
> rinforzamf = #(rinforza "mf")
> rinforzap = #(rinforza "p")
> \score {
> \new Staff <<
> { c'1 d' c' d' }
> \new Dynamics {
>   s1*2\rinforzamf
>   s1*2\rinforzap
> }
> }

Hello, I'm having some difficulty understanding how to integrate this into my 
document. Is is possible to just add  (acons 'self-alignment-X -1 into the 
existing structure, and if so, where? Or does that not work?

> While LilyPond
> can't give a detailed introduction into Scheme, the example code is
> intended to be understandable in most cases even by people who don't
> have experience with Scheme.

I understand the bits that are clearly markup modifiers, but everything else is 
greek to me.
> Maybe examples can be extended and/or reduced to make them easier to
> comprehend.
It's not the examples in the documentation, or at least, I understand all of 
the documentation except for the introduction to scheme, which is fine for me, 
since I don't use scheme.
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