>> Maybe examples can be extended and/or reduced to make them easier
>> to comprehend.
> It's not the examples in the documentation, or at least, I
> understand all of the documentation except for the introduction to
> scheme, which is fine for me, since I don't use scheme.

Well, as a matter of fact, LilyPond uses Scheme to extend its
functionality.  This won't change.  Ignoring this part is the same as
refusing to learn, say, Japanese Kanji characters if you already know
the Hiragana and Katakana syllable scripts.  Without Kanji you are
able to read children's books and many Manga cartoons, but you won't
be able to read normal Japanese newspapers or books.  If you are
satisfied with children literature then everything's fine.  Otherwise,
you have to stretch your knowledge.

In other words, an a-priori refusal of Scheme isn't helpful if you
want to explore the capabilities of LilyPond.  So I ask again: What
exactly are the difficulties you have encountered?  What concepts are
badly explained, what examples are `greek' to you, and why?  Simply
skipping the Scheme code and asking for a non-Scheme solution isn't
helpful either.


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