> Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:
>> So I ask again: What exactly are the difficulties you have
>> encountered?  What concepts are badly explained, what examples are
>> `greek' to you, and why?  Simply skipping the Scheme code and asking
>> for a non-Scheme solution isn't helpful either.

Perhaps there is a much simpler solution. Notation reference, 1.3.1 is where I 
got the example which I have been using since at least 2.12, because  centering 
such a new dynamic is probably rarer than having it left-aligned, I think it 
would be useful to note that there's an easy way of doing this. A minor change 
from the example in the documentation.
\version "2.14.0" 

rinforzaF = #(make-dynamic-script
            (markup #:normal-text "rinforza"
                    #:dynamic "f"))
tweekRinforzaF = \tweak DynamicText #'self-alignment-X #-1 #(make-dynamic-script
   (markup #:normal-text "rinforza"
           #:dynamic "f"))
\relative c' { f16 f f f f f f f f\rinforzaF f f f f f f f }

\relative c' { f16 f f f f f f f f\tweekRinforzaF f f f f f f f }

I think the extension that happen to lilypond are a good thing, I have no 
problem with them. I don't have to understand all of them. I know that when 
these extensions happen, updating the documentation becomes an extremely 
arduous task. From a certain point of view, it's not really feasible to update 
everything in the documentation that's easier because of something that's 
changed in lilypond. I think, however, this would be a great place to make a 
change that certainly would have helped me.

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