It wasn't but has been added today :-)

Peter Toye <> schrieb am 05.04.2014:
>Thanks Phil,
>I'd not realised it was already in the issue list.
>As I'm only a casual user (a performer, not usually an arranger or
>composer) I'm never sure whether to raise an issue or mention a problem
>on the mailing list.
>Best regards,
>Saturday, April 5, 2014, 11:59:53 AM, you wrote:
>Whole note tremolos are not pretty.  See
>Phil Holmes
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Peter Toye
>Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:55 AM
>Subject: Problems with tremolo signs
>I'm having problems with a tremolo sign (see snippet):
>1) It's too short - surely there should be a minimum size for it and it
>should be shunted to the next line?
>2) It's in rather an odd place vertically: surely it should be either
>between the notes if they're well-separated as here or below both of
>3) In printed music, tremolo signs between notes (not when attached to
>stems) are usually slanted, which stops them getting mixed up with the
>staff lines.
>I agree that there are probably tweaks for these, but I'd hope that the
>defaults wouldn't need tweaking.
>\version "2.18.0"
>\language "english"
>left = \relative c' {
> c1 c c c c c c c c c c c c
>\repeat tremolo 16 { c 32 c,} |
>\score {
> \new PianoStaff 
>   \new Staff { \clef bass \left }
>lilypond-user mailing list
>lilypond-user mailing list

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