Am 10.01.2015 um 22:04 schrieb David Nalesnik:

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Urs Liska <
<>> wrote:

    Hi David,

    thank you for that suggestion.
    I'll try to get my mind around this ASAP.
    On the first sight I don't understand too much of it. But at least I
    notice that I'm not afraid of these lambda, let and let* constructs
    anymore. Finally I'm getting *somewhere* to familiarity with the
    basic working of Scheme code. What I'm still at a major loss is how
    Scheme interacts with LilyPond specific functionality. There's
    really a need for education in that sector.

Yes,  The Scheme comes in a natural progression..  There's plenty on the
internet to assist self-study, and you can do a lot with simple

One thing I found particularly preventing progress is the variety of Scheme dialects, and the fact that the learner isn't pointed to that fact enough. If you're looking for solutions on the internet they so often just don't apply to LilyPond, and if you're looking for documentation it's just the same. If you're looking for topics like recursion, list access, loops or whatever, chances are quite low that search results will lead you to pages that actually help you, instead they are extremely confusing to the learner, simply because solutions may not work in LilyPond.

By now I know that I should never enter "scheme conditional" in a search engine but rather hope that "guile scheme conditional" will give me a helping hand. But it's just recently that I found this out. OK, it *is* stated on, but this is in a way that you never understand the implications until you return to it when you already know about it (just like me rereading this now).

LilyPond internals?  There's huge room for
documentation/tutorials here.  Not just explanations for the user, but
comments in the code, of which there are precious few.

The internal reference of Scheme functions is quite a nightmare for people like me. I think it can be used as a "desktop reference" for people who are really familiar with what

ly:add-option sym val description

might mean, but for me it's mostly only helpful for getting a vague idea where I could start trying.

I would love to help out with this, but I don't know where to begin!

Well, the most important thing is not to think you'd have to do everything in one go, not even having to ensure that a first step leads to a consistent whole in the future. I think if we add items to the collection of slow-paced tutorials each single item is helpful. I think what I've tried with my first Scheme tutorials is about the right direction. They deal with a very small topic but try to be quite elaborate and give the reader a chance to slowly consider the topic from all sides. Everything that goes into LilyPond's official documentation is more or less forced to be *concise* - which is of course necessary from the perspective of the project but not too helpful to get people into this complicated matter. So if you would for example write one tutorial at first (even when it should be split into a number of posts) explaining one aspect thoroughly this would be very helpful. Think about phrases that are commonly simply used to give some other expert a hint but don't say anything to others. Just a few ideas for such tutorials:

- What does "overriding a stencil" mean and imply?
- What is an engraver, really?
  How to write one, why? What do the discussions mean about
  which information is available at which stage?
- Where do these ly: functions come from?
  -> how can we interact with LilyPond internals?
- How do define-music-function and friends relate to plain "define"?
- etc.

If you'd be ready spending some time writing (a) tutorial(s) we could surely find something useful and practical for you ;-)



Urs Liska

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