On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 11:48:13AM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Eli, I personally think it is a great idea

I, on the other hand, think it's a foolish idea. The essence of Linux
is not "my distribution is better than yours", or "my desktop looks
prettier". The essence of Linux is the code, and the things you can do
with it. It's the mechanisms, the standards, the code, not the policy
- this distribution makes everything convenient for users, and that
one compiles everything from scratch. Who cares?

No matter which distribution I run, they all do the same things. I
couldn't care less which distribution is "better", because which
distribution I run has infinitesimal bearing on the things I do with
it. Therefore, the difference between RH and Mandrake, or Suse and
Debian, are of no importance to me. I'd much rather hear about the new
technologies in RH 8.0, than about the difference between its desktop
theme and mandrake's desktop them, which the discussion you're
proposing will ultimately degrade into. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda                             http://www.mulix.org/
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