About scheduling the lecture, I think 24/3/2003 will be best. Orr, can you
arrange a lecture hall for that date so we could start advertising the
lecture to TAs and lecturers.


On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, guy keren wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, DRYICE wrote:
> > There has been some talk of giving a rerun ow W2L lecture
> > 0, intro to programing under linux again,
> > also this coming semster, for the MATAM students,
> > taking it this semster. (most people take MATAM in
> > the spring semester)
> >
> > Do we want to give the lecture again?
> i'd say it sounds like a good idea.
> > if so, Am I to be giving it?
> i didn't go to your first lecture, but if you feel it was good, and are
> willing to give it another go - i'm all for it.
> > do we want modifications?
> one modification is required - to show people how to work on a small
> program easily. for this they need to be able to change the 'make' command
> of emacs, i.e. when they run M-X compile, they should replace 'make -k'
> with 'gcc -g -o blabla *.c' (or 'g++ -g -o blabla *.cpp). otherwise, they
> get stuck, for lack of knowledge on how to write Makefiles.
> this also means putting the sources in a seperate directory for each
> program, even if it is a single-source program.

This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
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 -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
Birds and bees have as much to do with the facts of life as black
nightgowns do with keeping warm.
                -- Hester Mundis, "Powermom"

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