2012/1/27 Alexander Sack <a...@linaro.org>:
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Christian Robottom Reis
> <k...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:50:51AM -0500, Chris Lalancette wrote:
>>> 1)  Attempt to reduce the number of trees on git.linaro.org.  I
>>> understand that there is probably a lot going on, but the sheer
>>> number of trees makes it confusing.  It might be a good idea to
>>> remove some of the very stale or no longer active trees.
>> What do Deepak and Loďc think of this in general?
> I would propose to:
>  * hide people/ trees and show them on people.git.linaro.org instead
> of main git.linaro.org. At best git:// urls would be valid still
> aftterwards
>  * hide the android/ trees and don't show them anywhere else; keep
> git:// urls and/or http:// clone urls wprking too
> This would definitely air to breath and we can continue to improve
> things from there.
>>> 2)  Document on the wiki where the releases are built from, so there
>>> is a running record per release
>> Where would we record this, Deepak, Alexander, Loďc?
> I am thinking ...
> If it's about documenting released bits it's something that should
> come out of our release process. The release team can bring that
> together. For that the information needs to be shipped along- or
> inside the source artifact. As one example, ubuntu packages having a
> vcs-bzr field and a reasonable tagging/versioning scheme could
> probably work, but we have to look case by case.
> Where are we putting it?
> One place that comes to my mind is obviously the release wiki page:
> https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1201/Release/?

Another one is https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/ProjectsSummary
I'd like to generate this table automatically to keep it up-to-date,
based on inputs from packages meta data (using additional user-defined
fields to debian/control file).

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