Thank for e-mailing me.

I will be out of the office from Monday, July 11 until Monday, July 18,
2005.  Immediate tech support concerns should be addressed to

I will be responding to e-mail upon my return.

Have a good day!

>>> lingo-l 07/11/05 12:02 >>>

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Today's Topics:

   1. SQLite Xtra (direct-l cross post) (Valentin Schmidt)
   2. getnettext + php - default projector port? (julian weaver)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:16:48 +0200
From: "Valentin Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <lingo-l> SQLite Xtra (direct-l cross post)
To: "Lingo programming discussion list"
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Hi list,

I just want to announce that I've finished a first version of "SQLite 
Xtra", a free SQL-capable database xtra that I'm currently working on:

As the name implies, it's based on the open source database engine 
"SQLite" which is also used by commercial xtras like Arca Xtra and 
MelixDB Xtra, and for which ports/wrappers for many different 
programming languages exist, like e.g. perl, php, python, ...(see

SQLite Xtra uses a naming convention for it's basic database functions 
that is similar to the PHP extension (see interface below), and in 
addition has a couple of utilitiy functions for embedding/retrieving 
binary data (binary strings, external files, arbitrary cast members) 
into/from a database.

A cool feature, in my opinion, is it's support for using lingo functions

(so called User Defined Functions, UDFs) inside SQL statements, simply 
by registering those functions with
  sx = xtra("SQLite").new()
  sx.sqlite_create_function(string functionName, integer 

Those functions can be either lingo handlers in moviescripts or global 
functions of any other scripting xtra, which allows short and elegant 
SQL queries, like e.g.
  sx.sqlite_create_function("zx_md5_string", 1) -- global function of 
  sql = "SELECT zx_md5_string(str1) AS md5 FROM test LIMIT 1"
  put sx.sqlite_fetch(sql, 1, errorList)
  -- [[#md5: "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"]]

It's an early version, there is no real documentation yet (but a demo 
movie demonstrating usage), and no mac port yet (which will definetly 
follow soon), but I would appreciate if anybody was willing to test it a

bit and send me bug reports, comments etc.


put xtra("SQLite").interface()
-- "xtra SQLite
-- SQLite Xtra v0.3 (c) 2005 Valentin Schmidt
-- contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- based on SQLite 2.8.16
-- see

new object me

sqlite_open  object me, string, *
sqlite_close object me, *
sqlite_exec  object me, string, *
sqlite_fetch object me, string, *
sqlite_last_insert_rowid object me
sqlite_changes object me
sqlite_create_function object me, string, integer

*sqlite_escape_string string
*sqlite_encode_binary_string string
*sqlite_decode_binary_string string
*sqlite_encode_binary_file string
*sqlite_decode_binary_file string, string
*sqlite_encode_member any
*sqlite_decode_member string, *
*sqlite_member_to_binary_string any
*sqlite_member_to_binary_file any, string
*sqlite_binary_string_to_member string, any
*sqlite_binary_file_to_member string, any

*sqlite_shell string -- just partially implemented, work in progress


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:27:05 +0100
From: julian weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <lingo-l> getnettext + php - default projector port?
To: Lingo programming discussion list <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed


Does anyone have a solution for port scanning firewalls to enable 
queries from a projector. I have some reports of the projector using 
port 10 for getnettext before it uses port 80...?

I know you can specify ports using proxyserver and by appending it to 
the domain but before i start looking, is port 10 a default for the 
projector comms?




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End of Lingo-l Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
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