Maybe I don't really get what you are trying to ask. There are two different things going on here. There are sprite properties and there are properties defined in one or more behaviors - and they are very different beasts.

Things like locH, locV, blend, etc are properties of the sprite. Each is accessable by directly accessing them:


Since these things are "known", you can get them directly. (Maybe I don't really get what you are asking here)

However, if you want to get a property of a behavior attached to a sprite here's how to do that. I just tried some code like this in a behavior and it worked:

property spriteNum property p1 property p2

on beginSprite me
  p1 = 8
  p2 = 9

on mSetValue me, symPropName, newValue setProp(me, symPropName, newValue) end

on mGetValue me, symPropName
  theValue = getProp(me, symPropName)
  return theValue

and attached it to sprite 1

then I did this from the message window:
put sendSprite(1, #mGetValue, #p1)
sendsprite(1, #mSetValue, #p1, 14)
put sendSprite(1, #mGetValue, #p1)
-- 14

Is this what you are looking for??

By the way. I understand what you mean, but the term "OOP Nazi" is extremely offensive.


Multimedia Wrangler.

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