doesn't work. Here's what I tried out.
property mySprite

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  put mySprite
end beginSprite me

on exitFrame me
  go the frame

The beginSprite puts (sprite -5) in the message window.
Then in the message window I keyed in:
put sprite(0).mySprite and I got a "property not found" error. Any other ideas, anyone?


> sprite(100).p_number = new_number
> My question is, how can I manipulate a property variable of the frame
> script??? Is this possible?

It's possible. a frame's sprite number is 0

sprite(0).p_number = new_number


And as far as Karinas point about not setting onject properties externally goes, I am 
absolutely for that. Good point.


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