Yes, push notifications are enabled :)

> On 27/10/2021, at 8:14 PM, Ian Coetzee <> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thank you. Please check in your settings if the push notifications are 
> enabled for the app. On my Android app I have them under Settings -> 
> <account> -> Allow push notifications. I am, however, using a custom built 
> app to allow for push notifications from our asterisk
> Kind regards
> Ian Coetzee
> On 2021/10/27 09:09, Chris Jackson wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> I think I mentioned somewhere but I’m using the LinPhone cloud service. I’m 
>> also connecting via 4G mobile (ie no Wifi) so there are no NAT servers (at 
>> least none that I have control over). I’ve got LinPhone configured using 
>> default configuration but if there are any other configurations required to 
>> work with the LinPhone cloud based FlexiSip, I’m happy to be educated :).
>> Cheers
>> Chris
>>> On 27/10/2021, at 8:03 PM, Ian Coetzee < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I have skimmed through the thread, I did not see you mention if you are 
>>> using the <> registration service or a 
>>> third party service.
>>> If third party, do they support sending push notifications?
>>> The root issue here is that iPhone (and Android) tries to save as much 
>>> power as they possibly can, thus when the phone locks it suspends all 
>>> applications running in the background, the reason why a call works within 
>>> an hour has to do with
>>> 1) The registration timeout on the server
>>> 2) Connection keepalive on the NAT routers along the way.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Ian Coetzee
>>> On 2021/10/27 08:40, Chris Jackson wrote:
>>>> I’ve run a number of tests throughout today and this is 100% repeatable. 
>>>> If I make a call in less than 1 hour, then it will connect successfully. 
>>>> If I wait just over the hour since the last registration, then the call 
>>>> will fail. I’ve tested this 6 times today and it is perfectly repeatable.
>>>> So something in the system is falling down and the registrations / 
>>>> notification system to support re-registration is not clearly working here.
>>>> Chris
>>>>> On 27/10/2021, at 12:42 PM, Chris Jackson < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> I will try and dig through the logs, but not knowing how this software 
>>>>> works does make it a little difficult to know what I’m looking for.
>>>>> I just ran another test where I waited just over an hour, and it didn’t 
>>>>> ring. I then waited another 20 minutes (so I was sure not to 
>>>>> “contaminate” the logs) and downloaded the log. There was nothing at all 
>>>>> logged at the time I made the call that failed.
>>>>> You commented earlier that the app doesn’t care about the time however 
>>>>> one thing I do see though that does indicate there is a time component is 
>>>>> the SIP registration has an expire time of 1 hour (3600 seconds). I see 
>>>>> the registration when the software starts, but I don’t see this 
>>>>> re-register. Maybe that’s not required as the push notification system 
>>>>> may take care of this? My understanding is that the LinPhone app should 
>>>>> register with the iPhone notification system to receive notifications and 
>>>>> then it goes to sleep, and in that respect I would agree that the app 
>>>>> should not care about the time after that. When a call is made, the SIP 
>>>>> server (FlexiSip in this case) should send a notification to the Apple 
>>>>> notification system, which should wake up the LinPhone app, and cause it 
>>>>> to register with the SIP server to complete the call, but something isn’t 
>>>>> working correctly as this isn’t happening.
>>>>> I will try and characterise this further - making some calls just under 1 
>>>>> hour, and then some just over 1 hour since registration to see if there 
>>>>> is a stronger pattern than my current "gut feeling".
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> From: < 
>>>>> <>>;tag=cXd14RJ6N
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> CSeq: 20 REGISTER
>>>>> Call-ID: PWJyojzlbE
>>>>> Max-Forwards: 70
>>>>> Supported: replaces, outbound, gruu
>>>>> Accept: application/sdp
>>>>> Accept: text/plain
>>>>> Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
>>>>> Contact: 
>>>>> <sip:xxx@;pn-provider=apns;;pn-prid=E699CFE0631F8EC546A60C798E22F51AE5B3279D88C1D9DC5FC45A2B3EC177D2:voip&DA15F623BF8CDFCCFB09082E26E7F742597EE0D2C3667A497E89FC78BBABCA38:remote;pn-timeout=0;pn-silent=1;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=IM_MSG;transport=tcp
>>>>> <sip:xxx@;pn-provider=apns;;pn-prid=E699CFE0631F8EC546A60C798E22F51AE5B3279D88C1D9DC5FC45A2B3EC177D2:voip&DA15F623BF8CDFCCFB09082E26E7F742597EE0D2C3667A497E89FC78BBABCA38:remote;pn-timeout=0;pn-silent=1;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=IM_MSG;transport=tcp>>;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:02e83878-d0c0-006e-bba7-0004c8d7675f>";+org.linphone.specs="ephemeral,groupchat,groupchat/1.1,lime"
>>>>> Expires: 3600
>>>>> User-Agent: LinphoneiOS/4.5.0 (xxx) LinphoneSDK/5.0.0
>>>>> Content-Length: 0
>>>>>> On 27/10/2021, at 10:33 AM, German Cancio < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> This is a linphone users list; your logs don’t end up here (and better 
>>>>>> they don’t, as they can be huge and may contain privacy related 
>>>>>> information). Homework for you is to extract the right sniplet from the 
>>>>>> logs for discussion here.
>>>>>>> On 26 Oct 2021, at 23:29, Chris Jackson < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> What other details can I provide?  I’ve already provided the debug logs 
>>>>>>> (although I’m not sure exactly where they go, but they were emailed to 
>>>>>>> the support team I guess).  I’ll try and find them myself as well.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>> On 27/10/2021, at 10:25 AM, German Cancio < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>>>> Hrm; difficult to deduce what is going on without more details. The 
>>>>>>>> best is really to enable debug logs and look into what they contain at 
>>>>>>>> the precise time you miss a call.
>>>>>>>> Cheers Germán
>>>>>>>>> On 26 Oct 2021, at 23:20, Chris Jackson < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> For this test I was actually not using Wifi - the iPhone was on the 
>>>>>>>>> mobile network and it was working fine (I was able to make normal 
>>>>>>>>> calls). Sorry - I don’t seem to have mentioned that point below, but 
>>>>>>>>> I think I did say this in the report when I sent in the logs. So, I 
>>>>>>>>> can try this using Wifi, but your suggestion to disable Wifi is 
>>>>>>>>> actually what I’ve already done.
>>>>>>>>> Is it really true that time doesn’t matter? I was recently reading up 
>>>>>>>>> on how the push notification registration works and while I didn’t 
>>>>>>>>> really go into all the detail I thought that I read that there was a 
>>>>>>>>> need to re-registration after some period? Also, it may not be time 
>>>>>>>>> related - it’s just my first impression but I’ve not really 
>>>>>>>>> characterised this particularly well as it takes a lot of time. What 
>>>>>>>>> I can say is it seems mostly reliable if I call shortly after I’ve 
>>>>>>>>> used the app, and mostly unreliable if I call when the iPhone has 
>>>>>>>>> been sitting idle for a reasonable period.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>> On 27/10/2021, at 10:10 AM, German Cancio < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>>>>>> Would that rather look like an issue with your Wifi connection? The 
>>>>>>>>>> app on iOS will be sent to rest only seconds after a call is 
>>>>>>>>>> completed and the app is sent to background (e.g. locking the 
>>>>>>>>>> phone); it doesn’t make any difference to the app whether a call is 
>>>>>>>>>> received one minute or one hour after the previous one - it gets 
>>>>>>>>>> waken up by a push notification received by iOS and passed to the 
>>>>>>>>>> app. But your Wifi connection might be put into dormant mode by your 
>>>>>>>>>> router, so that push notification might not make it through in time 
>>>>>>>>>> for picking up the call. That’s a quite common problem that ends up 
>>>>>>>>>> affecting many VoIP apps.
>>>>>>>>>> Try disabling Wifi and see whether you still have the same issue 
>>>>>>>>>> using mobile data. If that doesn’t fix the issue, you could try to 
>>>>>>>>>> enable logs and look what the app does at the time of the call.
>>>>>>>>>> Germán
>>>>>>>>>>> On 26 Oct 2021, at 21:17, Chris Jackson < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I’ve been testing out LinPhone, and while it mostly seems to work 
>>>>>>>>>>> well, notifications of iPhone calls seems to be unreliable. I sent 
>>>>>>>>>>> some logs recently but thought I should follow up with a message 
>>>>>>>>>>> here to see if others were experiencing issues, or if it is just a 
>>>>>>>>>>> problem with my system.
>>>>>>>>>>> I’ve not characterised this well, but from a few tests it seems 
>>>>>>>>>>> that longer periods of no use will result in calls not being 
>>>>>>>>>>> established. It seems that possibly leaving the iPhone “off” for an 
>>>>>>>>>>> hour (ie not opening any apps and certainly not opening LinPhone) 
>>>>>>>>>>> will result in calls not being connected. I might be wrong as I’ve 
>>>>>>>>>>> only tested this a couple of times and obviously this takes a lot 
>>>>>>>>>>> of time between tests. Calls made after 30 or 40 minutes of no use 
>>>>>>>>>>> have so far always worked ok though.
>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if this is a known issue or something that could be a 
>>>>>>>>>>> settings issue in my system? I’m using the LinPhone cloud FlexiSip 
>>>>>>>>>>> and have not changed any settings from default in the iPhone app.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
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