Daniel and Mark,

Thanks for your help on this one.  I changed Options from:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes

and all is well.

>Is the script supposed to be called by Server Side Includes?  Default
>7.2 does not have an Options Includes in the document root.  If you
>don't get: "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" or any

>other kind script output on the page or in your error_log, then
>apache is probably not picking up the #includes directive in your shtml

>page.  Add an Includes to the end of your options command for whatever
>directory the shtml page is in in your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and
>should work.

~ Daniel


>I have the RH7.2 Enigma that I recently installed, running
>I have a perl CGI that provides some uptime HTML output to my
>INDEX.SHTML home page.  I have no errors/access issues according to my
>logs, yet I see no output from the CGI on the home page.  I have been
>through the Apache documentation, but see nothing that is preventing
>this output from displaying (all CGI configuration directives appear
>correct, #!/usr/bin/perl in the CGI is correct).
>This is basically the same code/html that is running fine on the older
>Marist 6.2 binaries with Apache-1.3.9-1.
>What am I missing?

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