On 08/16/2016 04:55 PM, Marcy Cortes wrote:
> Larry wrote:
> "I would look at your backup mechanism and make sure it is compatible before 
> you commit to it."
> Thanks Larry, that answers that!!

Where possible, keep your business apps above the op sys. Curious what
backup methods (or products) would have trouble because of a different
filesystem. (This /does not mean/ don't check that your
mechanism-of-choice is compatible, just to be clear.) I use RSYNC and
would be shocked if it had a problem with me switching among EXT2/3/4,
BTRFS, XFS, new-fangled-FS-of-the-future. That's just unacceptable.

I've been "kicking the tires" with btrfs and xfs. I confess to not
having measured performance. (Have been more concerned first with
manageability. Subvolumes have been more hassle than help. See following

The problem with EXT3/4 is mostly that the EXT*FS family has fallen out
of popularity. They're rock solid. They just work. Lead developer in
that family has said btrfs is the new direction. So you're stuck going
with Btrfs if you intend to follow the EXT2/3/4 line. But there's
development time needed. How long to wait? SUSE decided to bless Btrfs
last year. Btrfs borrows some ideas from ReiserFS which died when its
author ... well ... Google it. SUSE favored ReiserFS back in the day. I
was never satisfied with ReiserFS in terms of reliability. (Not sure if
this impinges on Btrfs, but some of the default behavior blew the rule
of least astonishment. Unusual for SUSE. I get that kind of crap from
the other distros often, but /rarely/ from SUSE.)

Btrfs has the nice feature of in-place conversion from EXT2/3/4. Cool!

XFS has limits (and doesn't have the EXT2/3/4 connection), but is more
mature. The only performance guide I have says that XFS compares well
against EXT4. XFS runs on more operating systems than Btrfs. (But less
than EXT2/3/4, which can even work on Windoze.)

A note about volume management ... let me put that in a separate message.

-- R; <><

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