On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:
>       License under LGPL.  All of the code I've written,
> which includes all of microwindows and all the enhancements
> to mini-X, can be easily licensed this way.  But the nano-X
> project has a large core of GrXXX routines that were originally
> written by David Bell, and his license is completely unrestrictive,
> except that his copyright notice must still be included.  So
> we can't downgrade his license to LGPL.  This means that
> his code can't be used if this project goes strictly MPL or LGPL.
> One idea is to contact David, another is to rewrite it as Xlib.

As has already been discussed (at great length) at least twice before,
David has already agreed to let us license his code under either the LGPL
or the GPL, but not the MPL (he wouldn't say why he didn't like the MPL).
I would prefer the MPL myself (with a convert-one-way-to-GPL option) so
that commercial applications in linked in mode and drivers for hardware
that the specs for had to be obtained under NDA could be used.

>       In this way, the MicroWindows project goal could become "A
> micro-reimplementation of the Xlib and Win32 api's, catering to small
> size and speed of porting, on Linux[CE,86] platforms."

Only Linux86 and LinuxCE? What about the thousands of other embedded
systems, palmtops, etc. it is useful for...

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- http://www.linuxhacker.org/ --------------------

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