On Sat, 3 Jan 2015 13:11:57 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> > What about using btrfs on top of MD raid?
> The problem with that is data integrity.  mdraid doesn't have it.  btrfs 
> does.

Most importantly however, you aren't any worse off with Btrfs on top of MD,
than with Btrfs on a single device, or with Ext4/XFS/JFS/etc on top of MD.

Sure you don't get checksum-based recovery from partial corruption of a RAID,
but you do get other features of Btrfs, such as robust snapshot support,
ability to online-resize up and down, compression, and actually, checksum
verification: even if it won't be able to recover from a corruption, at least
it will warn you of it (and you could recover from backups), while other FSes
will pass through the corrupted data silently.

So until Btrfs multi-device support is feature-complete (and yes that includes
performance-wise), running Btrfs in single-device mode on top of MD RAID is
arguably the most optimal way to use Btrfs in a RAID setup.

(Personally I am running Btrfs on top of 7x2TB MD RAID6, 3x2TB MD RAID5 and
2x2TB MD RAID1).

With respect,
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