On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Ben Gamari <bgam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Over the last several months there have been many claims regarding the
> release of the rewritten btrfsck. Unfortunately, despite numerous
> claims that it will be released Real Soon Now(c), I have yet to see
> even a repository with preliminary code. Did I miss an announcement?
> There is something to be said for "release early, release often." Is
> there a timeline for getting btrfsck into some sort of usable form?

I can't speak for the devs, but that's never stopped me before :p

Speculative code to directly muck with known-to-be-corrupted data
structures is not something that benefits from early releases.  It's
too easy to cause damage that _can't_ be fixed later, and no amount of
warnings will prevent people from trying that code in desperation.

Or would you have taken a full image of your 8 drives before trying it
the first time?
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