On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> On Jun 27, 2014, at 9:14 AM, Rich Freeman <r-bt...@thefreemanclan.net> wrote:
>> I got another block this morning and failed to capture a log before my
>> terminals gave out.  I switched back to 3.15.0 for the moment, and
>> we'll see if that fares any better.
> Yeah I'd start going backwards. The idea of going forwards is to
> hopefully get you unstuck or extract data where otherwise you can't,
> it's not really a recommendation for production usage. It's also often
> useful if you can reproduce the block with a current rc kernel and
> issue sysrq+w and post that. Then do your regression with an older
> kernel.

So, obviously I'm getting my money's worth from the btrfs team, but
neither is always a great option as neither involves me running a
stable kernel.  3.15.0 contains CVE-2014-4014, although I'm running a
version patched for that vulnerability.  If I go back any further I'd
probably have to backport it myself, and I only know about it because
my distro patched that CVE on 3.15.0 before moving to 3.15.1.

Running 3.16 doesn't bother me much from a btrfs standpoint, but it
means I'm getting unstable updates on all the other modules as well.
It is just more to deal with.

I might give 3.15.2 a shot and see what happens, and I can always fall
back to 3.15.0 again.

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