"A.R. (Tom) Peters" wrote:
> ==========================================================================
> Consensus Point VIII:   Jargon
>   The Linux Professional Institute will not explicitly test on knowledge
> of jargon [or] acronyms.  The examinees [will be expected] to [have a 
> familiarity] with concepts that have a commonly used acronym for a name
> (e.g. TCP/IP).  [However, the] actual meaning of the letters will not be
> [required].  There will be a list of preferred terms and deprecated synonyms.
> [Any] acronyms [which] are not explicitly [listed as preferred] should not be
> used.  This list will also contain [contextual] definitions of the terms
> when this appears necessary.  The list will be updated [durring] LPI [test
> development], and tests will be made consistent with this list.
> ==========================================================================

Agree, with above changes (marked by [change]).


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