On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 03:21:41PM +1000, herbert wrote:
> Also, we can probably bring down the 16-byte numbers if we change the
> digest layer to cater for a direct digest interface that takes one sg
> entry, i.e., if it's one sg entry then feed it directly to the algo's
> digest function, otherwise go through the usual sg walker.

After thinking a bit more about this, IMHO this is definitely worthwhile.
If we do this, then we can basically do hmac(sha1) on IPsec/ESP packets
without copying most of the data at all!

This works because the bulk of HMAC time is spent on digesting the
input with a block-sized prefix based on the key.  So if the given
input has a block worth of headroom, we can copy the prefix there
and just feed the whole thing to the padlock.

With IPsec/ESP, it should be easy to make sure that the packet has
64 bytes of headroom in front of the ESP header (Ethernet + IP already
gives 34, so we won't be wasting too much).  The only catch is that
the packet has to be linear.  However, we always linearise it through
skb_cow_data currently because we assume frags to be read-only.  So we
might as well take advantage of that and do everything through one digest

By the time we evolve away from a linear ESP implementation, hopefully
VIA would've produced a proper SHA1 CPU by then :)

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