On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 10:09:45PM -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
> I think that improving support from folks who change VFS code for folks who are
> affected is needed.

  Hans, what are you talking about ? Are you talking about large solution
provider who should change its attitude and be more customer friendly or 
are you talking about people who spend their *own* time hacking around 
sources ?
> I don't much care for the screaming at people who don't track your changes by

  Again, Hans, what. are. you. talking. about. ? 

> reading ext2 code updates development model that is currently in place.  
> (E.g. the amiga FS emails seen on this list)
> Perhaps a set of comments in the VFS code saying here is what you do to
> interface with me would be better.
> Perhaps in 2.5 the ReiserFS team will start contributing towards improving VFS
  I guess, you were unable to to this for a 2.3 due to some fundamental reason?
If no, just do it. Do not make proposals -- just do it. 

> in this direction as we start trying to move linux VFS towards something richer 
> in functionality.:)

  Oh, no! "richer in functionality", where we are? A trade show ? 
> VFS code needs to be maintained by persons with supportive personalities.

  Hans, I do not want to be unpleasant, but you behave like an second level 
manager who can not get to the first level for quite a long time. Stop 
ranting. Read sources. Write good code. Discuss reasonable things. And please,
let us know what was the message of this message.


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