Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Dominik Klein writes:
>  > Heartbeat in v1 mode (haresources configuration) cannot do any resource
>  > level monitoring itself. You'd need to do that externally by any
>  > means.
> yes, in v2 mode i have managed to make pacemaker to monitor resources,
> for example, like this:
> primitive test lsb:test \
>       op monitor interval="30s" timeout="5s" \
>       meta target-role="Started"
> but i still have failed to find out how to make pacemaker to migrate
> a resource group to another node if one of the resources in the group
> fails to start.
> for example, if test is the last member of group
> group test-group fs0 mysql-server virtual-ip test
> and fails to start, the group is not migrated to another node.
> i have tried to add 
> primitive test lsb:test op monitor interval=30s timeout=5s meta 
> migration-threshold=3
> but it just stopped monitoring of test after 3 attempts.
> any ideas how to achieve migration?

I read your email on the pacemaker list and from what you've shared and
explained, i cannot spot find a configuration issue. It should just work
like that (and does work like that for me).

Maybe post your entire configuration, preferrably a hb_report archive.

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