Linux-Hardware Digest #106, Volume #9             Mon, 4 Jan 99 22:13:33 EST

  Creative Virbra16 and Linux ("Tim Gajewski, KU4IY")
  Re: This ongoing flame-fest ("jdn")
  a2ps problems (root)
  Cheap PCMCIA 10BaseT or Combo Recommendation? (William Yongwoo Jhun)
  Re: Diamonds HomeFree for Linux ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  stalled dead at start of install (Michael Hagen)
  Re: Adaptec 1522B (Andrew Rothstein)
  Re: Canon BJC4300 with Redhat (Nicholas Edwards)
  Re: WHEE!!!! Linux on an 386 (for real) w/ 4M (Ryan R. Henry)
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Building a Linux box for home use. ("Clayton J. Ramseyer")
  Problems with 'make' command. ("Gary J Sanderson")
  Re: ATA Disk Controller in Linux??? (Tom Zeltwanger)
  isapnptools wont make ("Michael R. Doerner")
  Re: Mounting CDROM ("Jürgen Exner")
  Noisy X Server (Dai Jones)
  Re: 19 inch monitor recommendations sought ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Acer 312T / Linux / CD-ROM bug fix ("Mosl Roland")
  Re: @home cable modem problems suse 5.3 (John Meissen)
  Minimalist Instalation? No CDROM.... (Douglas E Harmon)
  Re: LILO problem - 01 (Daniel Buettner)
  Re: mouse running wild in X (Klaus Syttkus)
  Re: LILO problem - 01 (Patrick M. Geahan)
  Re: PC100 Bus - What breaks? (Chris Cox)


From: "Tim Gajewski, KU4IY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Creative Virbra16 and Linux
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 12:10:23 -0500

Hello Everybody,
    I am having problems with my Creative Labs Vibra16X PnP and Linux.
It reconizes the card when I type sndconfig, I select my I/O, IRQ, and
DMA.  It writes the file and when goes to play the sound clip, I get the
following message:  "An error was encountered running the modprob
I am running RH 5.1 with kernel 2.0.35.  I have taken out all cards (NIC
and modem) that might confilict with the sound card.  Does anybody have
any ideas?



From: "jdn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: This ongoing flame-fest
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 17:03:15 -0600

Moriarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

<snip all>

Minor comment:  a paragraph can be your best friend, so MAKE A FRIGGIN' NEW



From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: a2ps problems
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 00:12:28 +0100

I have some problems with a2ps.
I use suse6.0 and bought a new Kyocera FS-800 Laserprinter with ps level
2 and have some serios problems getting this to run under linux.

First I got only empty pages (with lpr -l) or printer hang ups (or it
was not able to print one page in 2 hours) (with lp) printing my
But I was able to print every ps-file I found on the distribution (ok, I
tried only 5 different) and was able to use the printer in hp lj4
Now I tried to use a2ps directly and found out that I do not get a
printer hang up if I used -ni, but I only got an empty page. So I tried
other parameter and found out, that useing -ns got me something onto the
paper, but only the header and footer and not my .bashrc (and its not

So I downloaded a2ps 4.10.4 and installed it. Now I am able to print
directly with a2ps, but therefore lpr .bashrc does not work. I already
found out why: They changed almost every parameter for a2ps (for example
instead -nP you have to use -o- for printing to stdout). Now I have the
problem that my apsfilter filter-files are not correct for 4.10.4 and
have some problems converting them for 4.10.4.

Has somebody these filter-files configured for a2ps 4.10.4 or has
somebody an idea how to get the old (I think it was 4.3.4-34) a2ps to
print onto my printer?

Many thanks in advance,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Yongwoo Jhun)
Subject: Cheap PCMCIA 10BaseT or Combo Recommendation?
Date: 2 Jan 1999 18:23:57 GMT

I'm looking for an inexpensive ($50 or less) PCMCIA/CardBus Ethernet card
that it either 10BaseT or combo and is known to work well with Linux - any
recommendations? I'm using an NEC Australia (FIC 6000) notebook with a
TI1131 CardBus controller.

I recall using a friend's "EXP" ethernet card that registered as a Relia
chipset and worked very well (NE2000 clone?). However, I haven't been able
to find that card...

William Jhun

|William Y. Jhun - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|S.u.S.E. Linux | 2.0.34 | Cyrix6x86L-PR200+ | FIC Birch Plus 133MMX


Subject: Re: Diamonds HomeFree for Linux ?
Date: 4 Jan 1999 08:33:21 -0800

In article <76asvo$ojk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anyone know if there is a Linux-driver for Diamonds HomeFree
>( ?

I hope you don't already have this.

I am acquainted with some of the techs who support this product, and their
opinion is that it is crap.  They speak of 3-4 hour calls with the problem
_not_ being solved.  I highly recommend against using this.  Cat 5 is cheap.
>Does someone has some experiance with it and can recommend it (or against it)

David Goodwin                        
Corvallis, Oregon, USA                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <*>
application/pgp mail preferred.  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for public key.


Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 10:11:50 -0800
From: Michael Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: stalled dead at start of install

Am attempting to install Redhat 5.2 from the cd onto an old Dell xpi
using an Addonics 8x portable CD (SCSI parallel port) and am running
into two problems which stop me before I even get started. The CD drive
is not recognized AND the video is flipped left for right, on 9 out of
ten install attempts.
Any ideas on how to get past this stage (so I can see what else doesn't
work?)  This cdrom isn't listed on the redhat compatible list and the
Dell didn't do that well either on the laptop list.  Where to look for
answers? Somebody out there must have gotten these rather common
machines to work.
Mike H.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Rothstein)
Subject: Re: Adaptec 1522B
Date: 5 Jan 1999 00:08:25 GMT

Yes, though in the future you will get a quicker answer from the Linux 
Hardware Compatibility HOWTO

your pal,

Clint W. Heideman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Can you use a Adaptec 1522B in a Linux System?

Andrew Rothstein - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Words of Wisdom : 
"Whatever you do, just take care of your shoes." --phish
"He who laughs last, thinks slowest." --sign in jersey


From: Nicholas Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Canon BJC4300 with Redhat
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 19:20:43 -0500

Christophe MICHEL wrote:

> Hi
>     Has anyone succeeded in printing somethig but text only on a BJC4300 /
> redhat 5.1
> any help welcome
> Thanx
> Christophe MICHEL

  Took me a while to figure out how to print color graphics to the 4300, but
I found that using ghostscript 4.10 or higher (I assume 5.x will work) and
specifying the printer output as a BJC-600, works quite well. You can make a
little script to execute gs and lpr so that you can print from X, etc.

Nicholas Edwards
Nicholas.NET Technologies


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ryan R. Henry)
Subject: Re: WHEE!!!! Linux on an 386 (for real) w/ 4M
Date: 04 Jan 1999 13:29:02 -0500

I have successfully set up Linux (an older 1.x.x kernel) and the apache web server on 
a 386 with 8 megs.  Check out MuLinux.  I started there and used a bunch of floppy 
disks to transfer everything else over.

Ryan Henry
Wrong on most accounts.  const Foo *foo; and Foo const *foo; mean the same: foo
being a pointer to const Foo.  const Foo const *foo; would mean the same but is
illegal (double const).  You are confusing this with Foo * const foo; and const
Foo * const foo; respectively. -David Kastrup, comp.os.linux.development.system


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 18:26:40 GMT

I think there's a LOT of people missing the point, here.  The real point is,
there are manufacturers out there making these crippled, lobotomized modems
that suck up CPU to operate in the name of saving you money.  I WONDERED what
was loading my old 90MHz Pentium :p  Trouble is, most people didn't know
about this when they bought their machine.  I (for one) don't want a Linux
driver for my winmodem.  My winmodem is going back to Gateway for a refund,
thank you, and I am replacing it with a US Robotics Sportster (with jumpers;
PnP is optional). The issue around internal vs external modems is a bit
blurry.  If you are really relying on an external modem just so you won't fry
your motherboards with a surge, get a frickin' surge protector with POTS
protection included.  Do you really want to chance frying your modem?  It's
kinda silly to start putting ALL functions outside the motherboards into
little boxes with their own individual power supplies, IMO.  But that's just
me. I do agree we have a lot of vendors posting messages here that seem to be
no more than shameless plugs for their company/product.  Get a life, you
guys. Either offer something constructive or keep quiet.  If we were
interested in NT modem drivers, we wouldn't be posting here.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Guenther Wieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I bought one of this laptop modems which use a Lucent LT16XXX winmodem
> chip "because they fit so smart into my laptop". If anything, that
> Lucent is able to say, is: "there are NT drivers available" I think that
> my next modem will NOT be one with a Lucent (or whatever) winmodem chip.
> And of course Lucent can be sure that I will not suggest my customers,
> friends and relevantes any of this modems.
> I think, that releasing enough information that the linux community can
> develope such a driver will be a good deal for Lucent.

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From: "Clayton J. Ramseyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building a Linux box for home use.
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 13:22:59 -0500

I built a Linux box recently for Redhat 5.2
As far as the hardware compatibility list check out:


Also the recommendation about the external modem is an important one.

I tried using an internal, nothing but problems, line noise,
disconnections, etc.

I have a USRobotics/3com External v.90 compatible modem, works pefectly.

My ISP usually tries to disconnect me after 20 minutes of inactivity.
I cannot explain it but I have been successfuly/continually connect at
times for over 2 days with no disruption to service.

Just a thought,


Clayton J. Ramseyer - CyberZard
"Ferris, he loves this car more than life itself..."
"A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine
automobile..."  Ferris Beuller & Kameron Frye - "Ferris Beuller's Day


From: "Gary J Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with 'make' command.
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 18:32:55 -0000

I've downloaded a couple of .tar.gz files from various sources on the net
and untar'd them ok in my /tmp directory but when I come to 'make' them I've
had errors. Particularly ones like CC: Command not found or c++ command not
found, I'm sure its me not doing something right, maybe a command line
argument or something but I can't think what is is.

Can anyone shed some light on this as its driving me crazy not being able to
install new software. I'm running RedHat 5.2 (if it matters) and have
installed make and gmake from the RPM's dir.

TIA, Gary.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Zeltwanger)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ATA Disk Controller in Linux???
Date: 5 Jan 1999 01:24:20 GMT


Thanks for the information about the support of this card. I just 
downloaded 2.0.36, so I will try the patch. I was just getting ready to
return the card. This will save me some trouble.

Tom Zeltwanger
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Virtual Communication Services


: The SIIG UltraIDE Pro chipset is supported in kernel version 2.2.0-pre1
: and probably in the late 2.1.13x's as well. Find it at your nearest
: mirror.

: Or, if you prefer using tried-and-tested kernel versions, a patch is
: available for 2.0.36 as well at
: <>


From: "Michael R. Doerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: isapnptools wont make
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 17:13:14 -0500

I follow the directions to compile /usr/doc/isapnptools-1.15 by typing
make (step 2 in the directions, I didn't modify the Makefile in step 1),
and this is what I get...

make: *** No rule to make target `pnpdump.c', needed by `pnpdump.o'.
Stop. much for the bloody directions. I'm not a programmer so maybe a
little hand-holding is in order? What do I have to do next to get this
to compile? I'm running Sack 3.6, Kernel 2.0.36, X 3.3.3, everything
else standard distribution.

Mike Doerner


From: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting CDROM
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 17:18:31 -0800

DWheaton wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I just upgraded form RH Linux 5.1 to 5.2. I never had a problem mounting my
>cdrom with 5.1
>After upgrading, when I attempt to mount with:
>mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom
>I get the error message:
>fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel.
>My currently installed kernel is 2.0.34.
>Indeed, a browse of /proc/filesystems indicates that the only fs types
>supported by the kernel are ext2 and msdos.
>Searching /lib/modules/2.0.34-0.6 yields NOTHING.
>Where do I go from here? How do I get my cdrom up and running?

Pretty simple: Recompile (and install) your kernel with support for is09660
For details see /usr/src/linux/README.

Jürgen Exner;, UID: jurgenex
Sorry for this anti-spam inconvenience


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dai Jones)
Subject: Noisy X Server
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 00:15:56 GMT

When running SuSE linux on with an Accelagraphics Permedia " Accelstar
board any movement on the screen results in Strange noise from the
Not coming from speaker or H.Disk (although that also keeps annoyingly
'ticking' away!) so presume in some way coming from other parts of
system. Best description of sound is an irritating click for each
fraction of movement on the screen. After a few hours it drives you
nuts -:)

Any ideas?

(B.T.W. am relatively new to this)


Subject: Re: 19 inch monitor recommendations sought
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 19:56:41 GMT

  John Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey, what video card are you using to drive that big monitor? Does it
> flicker at all?

good point john - also what res and color depth can the
                  card handle well?

(i found an ati xpert 98 to work well with a 19" at 1280x1024 24bit
 (on a win-doze 95 box - soon I'll upgrade a linux box with one :-)
 has anyone gotten an ati xpert 128 to work under linux? (uses the rage 128

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From: "Mosl Roland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Re: Acer 312T / Linux / CD-ROM bug fix
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 20:11:53 +0100

Matthew Faupel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>There was mention in this newsgroup before Christmas of the PCMCIA CD-ROM
>drive on the Acer 312T not being usable under Linux.  I now have a fix for


The information was from the German Acer hot line.
So it seems they do no know much about their

Mosl Roland clear targets for a confused civilization


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Meissen)
Subject: Re: @home cable modem problems suse 5.3
Date: 4 Jan 1999 19:26:09 GMT

In article <76qt3f$sq5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Meissen) 
>In article <731h67.c6i.ln@localhost>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. 
>Fuller) writes:
>> Dave&Dawn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> : I'm having problems getting my cable modem working with suse 5.3 ...i got
>> : the ethernet card recognized at eth0 irq 10.....and i downloaded and
>> : installed dhcpcd 0.70-2.i386.rpm.........used dhcp -h (computer name) to
>> : start dhcp    but when i type ifconfig i get
>> : 
>>   [ ....... ]
>> : 
I just went back and reread the original message. If this isn't a typo,
then your problem is that you're running the wrong command unless you
renamed dhcpcd. I don't know where you get 'dhcp', it's not on my system.
Make sure you're running 'dhcpcd'. Whatever you do, DON'T run 'dhcpd'.
The first is the client daemon, the other is the server daemon. 

John Meissen                             Siemens Pyramid Information Systems
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             15400 NW Greenbrier Parkway
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         Beaverton, OR  97006                   (503) 690-6286
"Linux is very user-friendly, it's just choosy about its friends."


From: Douglas E Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Minimalist Instalation? No CDROM....
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 20:50:15 -0500

Hello all....

            If anyone can inform me of a URL I saw once on this group
that related to a minimal install of Linux??? I have an old IBM ps2
laptop with a 84mb drive and 2mb of ram.. I can get my boot disk from my
main system to load. It detects the h-drive,ports, and mouse. The only
problem it locks up loading the ramdisk. I believe it would be possible
to install Linux after seeing this.

            Is this possible??? Or should I just use it as a door
stop???  Comments and help appreciated......

Thanks in advance



From: Daniel Buettner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO problem - 01
Date: 4 Jan 1999 20:14:33 GMT

Patrick M. Geahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a feeling that this is more of a hardware problem than anything, so
> I posted it here.  My RH5.1 system was working great until I tried a
> kernel upgrade.  Now, LILO, which worked fine before, now prints simply
> the first L and then a succession of 01's.  I reinstalled RH5.1 from CD,
> and the install went fine, except it still does the same thing.  I tried
> deleting and moving partitions, and reformatting seven ways from Sunday,
> but all comes out the same - L followed by a whole ton of 01's.  I'm
> running RH5.1 on an IBM 4.2GB SCSI-2 drive hanging off a Diamond FIreport
> 40.  What does the 01 mean, and more importantly, how could I fix it?  I
> have tried searching the WWW< but no luck.  THanks for all your help.
I believe the 01 is an error from your BIOS which is essentially as helpful
as a GPF -- something is wrong, but I don't know what.  I experienced this
last week when I added an IDE drive to what had been an all SCSI system.
My problem was that I was attempting to swap the BIOS id tags incorrectly
which confused the bios to no end.  

However, as I have been writting my reply something has occured to me.  Did
you run /sbin/lilo after moving your new kernel over the old one?  If you 
failed to do this, LILO won't be able to boot your new kernel and since 
PC BIOSes don't really understand SCSI very well, it would probably just
report an error.  Try booting with a boot disk and running /sbin/lilo
and see if that helps.

"Daniel Buettner" line 4 of 4 --100%--


From: Klaus Syttkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: mouse running wild in X
Date: 4 Jan 1999 20:50:19 GMT

:> Henrik wrote:
:> > I have   been having some trouble with my mouse using x-windows under red
:> > hat. The mouse seems to a will of its own, I cant controll it but it seems
:> > to allways what to move to the lower right corner.
:> >
:> > It is my first time usin linux, and the problems occurrred after the first
:> > installation. I have never seen linux running perfect yet.
:> >
:> > I would be plaesed if someone could help

Hi Henrik,

I had the very same symptoms for some time using a serial mouse.
I found out that I had overruns on the serial port; irqtune helped.
If you have a serial mouse on a standard UART and a 486 or slower,
this is probably your problem as well.




From: Patrick M. Geahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO problem - 01
Date: 4 Jan 1999 20:58:58 GMT

Daniel Buettner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I believe the 01 is an error from your BIOS which is essentially as helpful
: as a GPF -- something is wrong, but I don't know what.  I experienced this
: last week when I added an IDE drive to what had been an all SCSI system.
: My problem was that I was attempting to swap the BIOS id tags incorrectly
: which confused the bios to no end.  

: However, as I have been writting my reply something has occured to me.  Did
: you run /sbin/lilo after moving your new kernel over the old one?  

I thought that running make zlilo took care of that for me - but if it
doesn't, then that could easily explain the problem.  Thanks for the help.

          Patrick "I'm a graphical cheek ant" Geahan 


From: Chris Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PC100 Bus - What breaks?
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 14:53:46 -0600

When you over clock to're just clocking the
front side bus (FSB).  So, your PCI slots are unaffected.
The AGP is taken care of by the 2/3 option (to gear it down
to 66).  Your memory needs to be able to handle 100mhz 
(i.e. PC100 memory)....I think I mentioned this to you.


Peter A. Koren wrote:
> Hi,
> I am about to put together an over-clocked Celeron 300A on
> an Abit BH6 motherboard running the PCI bus at 100 MHz and
> need to know what legacy boards will break and have to be
> upgraded, if any. I have a BusLogic BT930 scsi board and a
> Linksys 10/100 auto sensing ethernet board, both PCI, that I
> would like to salvage from the old system. The documentation
> on these devices does not address the issue. Do I need to
> worry?
> Thanks,
> Peter Koren
> --
> Remove the '.zap-this' from the email address to reach me.
> "One may proceed from absurd premise to ridiculous
> conclusion with impeccable
> logic." -- Santayana


These are my own comments....not to be confused with real or
unreal comments of any company.  Any pies thrown are not to be
confused with any real or unreal pies thrown at any executive from
any monpolizing company.



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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