Linux-Hardware Digest #110, Volume #9             Tue, 5 Jan 99 07:13:44 EST

  Re: Riva TNT - Viper 550 (Paul E Larson)
  ASUS P2B-S Motherbd, SONY DVD ("Dave M. Belk")
  Re: Install New Hardare (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: Red Hat Linux 5.0 and 3Com 3C509B ISA NIC card ("Peter Frey")
  HOWTO Backup onto HP DAT Tapedrive ? (Carlo Trobia)
  hi (Martin Kortkamp)
  CDROM Spindown == IRQ Timeout !?! (Brandon A.)
  Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem ("Mr. Fastenow")
  Re: Noisy X Server ("Thomas Bendler")
  Re: linux support for expanded memory? (Chris)
  Re: linux support for expanded memory? (gus)
  Re: Creative Virbra16 and Linux (Harry McGregor)
  Problem with serial port (john barleycorn)
  Re: Minimalist Instalation? No CDROM.... (Robert Wuest)
  RedHat5.2 does't detect Compaq Fast Wide SCSI II ("˱ȗ̵")
  linux support for expanded memory? (Dick Repasky)
  Re: Logitech mouse --- middle button broken (Robert Wuest)
  Re: stalled dead at start of install (Robert Wuest)
  Re: Modem for Linux (Sean Harper)
  Mouse problem in X (OH8)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E Larson)
Subject: Re: Riva TNT - Viper 550
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 08:27:12 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Felipe Gustavo de Almeida 
>I'm planning to buy a new system, it'll include a Viper 550 if:
>- XFree support Viper550 AGP version
>- XFree DON'T abort RivaTNT driver
>- XFree is stable enough...
>anybody have any info?

I had to download the XSVGA driver for the card from the XFree site, I am 
using RH5.2 at the moment. When I installed RH5.2 I set the X-Windows setup 
for the V330 card and the screen size I wanted 1024x768. After the first boot 
I changed to /usr/X11R6 and copied the XSVGA.tgz file to the directory, ran 
tar unpack it to the bin directory and ran startx. Worked perfectly. Also did 
the same in Caldera 1.3 with KDE and X, in that case I did a similar install 
as with Redhat but using the command line X configurator(name escapes me).


Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: "Dave M. Belk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ASUS P2B-S Motherbd, SONY DVD
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 01:23:48 -0600

Does anyone have linux working with the ASUS P2B-S motherboard, which
has the onboard Adaptec SCSI controller?

Is there any chance that I'll get linux to treat my DVD like an

When I used the recent updated boot disk from Red Hat 5.2, it did not
recognize my DVD, and it did not find my SCSI controller.  

Hope someone can give me good news on this.

Dave Belk


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install New Hardare
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 07:21:18 GMT

> I'm looking for some help installing new hardware to a RedHat Linux 5.1 box.
> Can anyone recommend a book, web site, or anything at all that would help me?
> Specifically, I have a brand new SMC EZ 10/100 SMC1211TX network card that I
> need to install. I have two choices:
> 1) Reinstall Linux.
> 2) See if I can find a book on installing new hardware for Linux.
> Actually, reinstalling Linux and using the Autoprobe didn't work.  Probably
> because the drivers didn't come with the Linux CD-ROM.  So I'll have to try
> option 2.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

Try the "kernelcfg" tool to get the card recognized. In it, create a
"eth" module type and select the appropriate network card brand from
the list. Now save and exit this.

Next, go into the "netcfg" tool and fill out all the information like
ip address, netmask, dns address if you didn't do this in the past.
You may need to reboot after this to get the card working.

Hope this helps...


From: "Peter Frey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat Linux 5.0 and 3Com 3C509B ISA NIC card
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 22:58:50 -0500

I had no end of problems with this card; got it running though:
You need the dos program that comes on the driver diskette.
Turn Plug And Pray off (on the 3com card)
You can set IO ports and IRQ manually, though I left it at the defaults and
moved the other cards.  (My computer BIOS is still set to use PNP)
Make sure that you set the transmission mode NOT to automatic, i.e.: set it
depending on whether or not you use BNC or 10BaseT; that DOES make all the
difference.  I got 100% collissions when it was set to automatic; watch the
messages during boot up, it tells you what mode its in.
I also remember, vaguely, reading something about PNP, old BIOSes and this
card not working together, gives new meaning to the term hearsay...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<76rkal$qlp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Greetings All.
>I am a new user to Linux and am having difficulty getting Linux to
>my network card.  I am using a 3COM 3C509B ISA card and have tried taking
>out of Plug n Pray and manually inputting the IO and IRQ, but still no go.
>The card works fine in Windows 9x (whether in PnP mode or not).  Seeing as
>though I am still very new to Linux, I imagine that I am simply overlooking
>something, but unfortunately I have reached my wits end and am hoping to
>advice from a more experienced Linux user.
>Thanks very much in advance for your consideration!
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From: Carlo Trobia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HOWTO Backup onto HP DAT Tapedrive ?
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:42:44 +0100

> Hi,
>  Anyone tested a good DAT drive on the RedHat 5.x  recently ?
> Any brand and model to propose?
> Thanks for your help.
> Carlo Trobia


From: Martin Kortkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hi
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 22:21:16 +0100



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brandon A.)
Subject: CDROM Spindown == IRQ Timeout !?!
Date: 4 Jan 1999 23:21:30 -0500

Hi all,

I recently installed RH5.2 on my P200 system, using the same CDROM I have
been using for a while.  The drive is an ACER 24X MAX.  This drive works
fine under 95/98 btw...

Anyway, here is what is happening:

(Im running 2.0.36)

I put a data CD in that I burned (ISO or Joliet, both work).

The drive takes a second, makes some noise, and the green light comes on solid.

I issue a"

foo# mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

Mounts fine.  

I copy a bunch of files from the newly mounted cd to my HD.  The drive
starts spinning faster, lights blinking etc.  Works fine.

I let the machine sit for oh say 10 minutes.  The drive has spun down.  
Any further attempts at reading data from it are met with ATAPI reset, IRQ
timeouts, etc etc:

hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50
hdc: cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51
hdc: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30
hdc: ATAPI reset complete

I unmount it, eject it, re-insert it, remount it, its fine.

So it seems that once the drive spins down, Im screwed :(

Any ideas ??  Ive never had this happen under RH3.0.3 (kernel 1.2.13) all
the way till now :(




From: "Mr. Fastenow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: need to take action on the Winmodem problem
Date: 5 Jan 1999 02:01:20 GMT

Dunno if anyone is still reading this, but here is my opinion.


OK, I work in Tech Support for Micron Electronics.  Now the thing about
Winmodems not working in NT is BS.  I have set up and tested about 10-15 of
them in the past few months myself over the phone, and they work without a
hitch.  I personally would not buy a winmodem (I like modem games like
Quake).  But, they are fine for what they are.  Now, trying to get a
Winmodem to work in Linux would be a challenge.  Since they have no EEPROM
(Little chip that controls data transfer, etc.), it is all
software-controlled.  As far as I know, USR/3COM only makes this software
for Windows.  Some NON-WINMODEM modems, that have an EEPROM, will not work
under Linux.  That is a given.  If a Winmodem worked without a problem in
Linux, hell yeah I would buy one.  But they don't.  It is not a matter of
being good enough for me, it is a matter of being good enough to work in the
OS I am working in.  And, NT is a relatively good operating system.  For all
the work and code that went into it, it is very stable and bugs are few when
you think about all of them there could be.  I think that the prices are way
too high, though, along with all MS Operating Systems.  I mean, 3.5 years
after its' release, Win95 upgrade is still the same price of $80-90??  What
is with that, tell me?  I think we should all band together and petition MS
and let them know that their OS's are too expensive.  The reason I like
Linux is because it is different, and it is free, and it is (IMHO) more plug
and play than any Windows product.  I mean, it has built in drivers for
everything!!  OK, I know you are tired of reading, so let me know what you
think about my opinion in a calm way.  NO FLAMES, ya hear?  Thank you, and
have a good night.

Signing off
-Aaron Fastenow


From: "Thomas Bendler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Noisy X Server
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 11:16:37 +0100

Hi Dai,

I think the sound is produced by your monitor. It normaly indicate that you
choose wrong monitor settings when you configurate the x-server. The monitor
will broke down when you work a longer time with this monitor settings, ...
so better change it :-)!!!

regards Thomas

Dai Jones schrieb in Nachricht
>When running SuSE linux on with an Accelagraphics Permedia " Accelstar
>board any movement on the screen results in Strange noise from the
>Not coming from speaker or H.Disk (although that also keeps annoyingly
>'ticking' away!) so presume in some way coming from other parts of
>system. Best description of sound is an irritating click for each
>fraction of movement on the screen. After a few hours it drives you
>nuts -:)
>Any ideas?
>(B.T.W. am relatively new to this)


Subject: Re: linux support for expanded memory?
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:04:38 GMT

On 5 Jan 1999 04:58:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dick Repasky) wrote in

>Does linux support expanded memory?  I can't find a definitive statement
>one way or the other.  The Hardware-HOWO says dram, sram, and edo, but 
>I do not know whether expanded memory qualifies as dram.  

Linux uses only linear memory (base + high + extended).  Expanded memory
is a non-linear memory model from the 8088/8086 days, and fell out of
fashion very quickly after the 286 CPU hit the streets with its larger
memory map.  It's unusual to see expanded memory in a 386 machine.

Some expansion cards (such as the old AST RamPage) can be configured to
provide either extended or expanded memory.  Assuming your card can be
configured to provide extended memory, make sure that the start address of
the add-on card matches the end address of the motherboard memory with no
holes or overlap.

If you plan to dual-boot Linux and DOS, you should be able to change the
XMS driver options to emulate expanded memory using extended RAM if you
have an old program that really requires it.

>The XMS information from DOS msd.exe is XMS XMS Version: 3.00.

The XMS version you are seeing is no doubt that of the DOS-based device
driver, and has nothing to do with the memory itself.

>If the memory isn't supported, with it foul up the kernel if the
>board stays in the computer?

It shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as the board is not using
any addresses normally allocated to a Linux-compatible device.  Any
problems would show up the first time you boot Linux-- the hardware probes
would have a fit of some sort, and the boot would probably quit with a
kernel panic.


Subject: Re: linux support for expanded memory?
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 10:01:30 +0000

Dick Repasky wrote:
> Does linux support expanded memory?  I can't find a definitive statement
> one way or the other.  The Hardware-HOWO says dram, sram, and edo, but
> I do not know whether expanded memory qualifies as dram.
> The XMS information from DOS msd.exe is XMS XMS Version: 3.00.
> If the memory isn't supported, with it foul up the kernel if the
> board stays in the computer?
> Thanks,
> Dick
> --
> Remove the underscore from my e-mail address to reply by mail.

My knowledge is sketchy, but AFAIK expanded memory is a DOS (and DOS
derivatives like MS Windows 9X) only phenomenon. There was a 640K
addressable window which DOS could see at any one time, and expanded and
extended memory were two mechanisms incorporated to deal with this
shortcomming, and the 640K window was shifted around to show other
memory. It is unrelated to the type of physical memory installed.

Since Linux has no concept like this, the idea of not being able to
address all memory at one time is foreign to Linux, and thus there is no
concept of XMS.

So, the answer is not definitive because XMS is not something it needs
to support, and thus doesn't, but is actually a better system for not
having to support it.

Hope that helps. Also, please correct me anyone if I am incorrect.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harry McGregor)
Subject: Re: Creative Virbra16 and Linux
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 04:45:44 GMT

I have it running under Slackware 3.6 (currently kernel 2.0.35, soon
to be 2.2.x), using ISAPNP tools, and sound module.  This is on a
compaq prolinea (donated).  In fact, I just placed an order for 32 of
these card (cheap, creative labs, etc), for this elementary school



From: john barleycorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with serial port
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 06:06:09 -0500

I have a cirrus logic hayes compatable modem i use under linux. the
modem itself seems to work fine. i have it set to /dev/ttyS3 on IRQ 7.
The port however runs quite slow. So slow infact it cannot make a ppp
connection. the strange part is if i allow it to share IRQ 3 with my
mouse while running X the port runs normally as it should. The card
doesnt even really have a problem with this setup if ive set the jumper
to a different IRQ (eg 5 or 7 ).  Ther are obvious problems with this
arrangment however. at first neither port seems to care much about the
conflicting IRQ but eventually the ppp connection will drop without

I have checked for IRQ conflicts and no other device is using IRQ 7. I
am fairly satisfied at this point the UART is ok as well. I am asking
here as a last resort. All the how to's point to an IRQ conflict but im
sure all is well on that end. 

I am booting linux slackware 3.6 accross msDOS via loadlin. Any ideas?


From: Robert Wuest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Minimalist Instalation? No CDROM....
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 04:56:49 +0000

Douglas E Harmon wrote:
> Hello all....
>             If anyone can inform me of a URL I saw once on this group
> that related to a minimal install of Linux??? I have an old IBM ps2
> laptop with a 84mb drive and 2mb of ram.. I can get my boot disk from my
> main system to load. It detects the h-drive,ports, and mouse. The only
> problem it locks up loading the ramdisk. I believe it would be possible
> to install Linux after seeing this.
>             Is this possible??? Or should I just use it as a door
> stop???  Comments and help appreciated......
> Thanks in advance

I think it's been renamed, but there was a small UMSDOS based distro
called doslinux.

I used it once to install on a laptop which could not have both floppy
and CDROM at the same time (and you could hot swap them).



From: "˱ȗ̵" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat5.2 does't detect Compaq Fast Wide SCSI II
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 13:57:13 +0900

I'm trying to install Red Hat 5.2 on a scsi disk that is attached
to a Compaq Fast SCSI-2 (also CDROM is attached)
but Red Hat 5.2 does't detect Scsi hosts......

Please help....


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dick Repasky)
Subject: linux support for expanded memory?
Date: 5 Jan 1999 04:58:18 GMT

Does linux support expanded memory?  I can't find a definitive statement
one way or the other.  The Hardware-HOWO says dram, sram, and edo, but 
I do not know whether expanded memory qualifies as dram.  

The XMS information from DOS msd.exe is XMS XMS Version: 3.00.

If the memory isn't supported, with it foul up the kernel if the
board stays in the computer?




Remove the underscore from my e-mail address to reply by mail.


From: Robert Wuest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Logitech mouse --- middle button broken
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 04:58:51 +0000

Dr. Joel M. Hoffman wrote:
> >> My old Dexxa serial mouse finally died, and so I bought a new (serial)
> >> Logitech mouse to replace it.  I bought the Logitech FirstMouse+.
> >> Under X, I can move the cursor, and buttons 1 and 3 work, but the
> >> middle button is dead.  Any ideas why?
> >>
> >> In my XF86Config I still have the mouse listed as "microsoft."  I
> >> tried "logitech" (which is what I thought would work) but then nothing
> >> worked at all.
> >If the former mouse was a two button mouse it might be that you have to
> >coment out
> The former mouse was a three button mouse, and it worked just fine.  I
> thought I could just swap one three-button mouse for another.  Guess I
> was wrong....

        Protocol    "IntelliMouse"



From: Robert Wuest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: stalled dead at start of install
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 05:02:42 +0000

Michael Hagen wrote:
> Am attempting to install Redhat 5.2 from the cd onto an old Dell xpi
> using an Addonics 8x portable CD (SCSI parallel port) and am running
> into two problems which stop me before I even get started. The CD drive
> is not recognized AND the video is flipped left for right, on 9 out of
> ten install attempts.
> Any ideas on how to get past this stage (so I can see what else doesn't
> work?)  This cdrom isn't listed on the redhat compatible list and the
> Dell didn't do that well either on the laptop list.  Where to look for
> answers? Somebody out there must have gotten these rather common
> machines to work.
> Thanks,
> Mike H.

try this at the boot prompt:

linux vga=ask

and try various modes that it prompts for.  Maybe one of them will work.

I know nothing about parallel port CD's, sorry.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Harper)
Subject: Re: Modem for Linux
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 23:09:55 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mr. Fastenow"

> If this is a "Winmodem", you may be out of luck.  Otherwise, you shouldn't
> have too many problems with it.  Just configure it with ISAPNP, and make
> sure you set the IRQ to 3 and the I/O address to 0x2F8 with that modem.  Use
> minicom to test it, setting it up to use COM2, or ttyS1.
> -Aaron Fastenow
> David Akins wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >I just bought a 3COM US Robotics 56 Data/Fax Modem Internal for use on
> >my Linux server.  Unbeknownst to me, it's 100% Plug-and-Pray - no
> >jumpers.  Anybody got experience running this modem with Redhat 5.2?
> >Recommend a better internal modem?  I know I should go external but I
> >always seem to have problems with serial ports when I run an external.
> >Thanks for the help.
> >

you can get it to work, a little tricky tho.  check out that web page of
mine.  I sell many Linux systems with such a modem installed.


Subject: Mouse problem in X
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 11:42:36 +0000

I have a problem using my new PS/2 intellimouse in X.
It works fine under gpm on the console, but when I go into X it just
jumps around the screen like a possessed demon!
My settings in the config file are Intellimouse and dev/psaux  but I
have tried various others including PS/2 and dev/gpmdata.

Thanks in advance.
Oliver Hume



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