Linux-Hardware Digest #516, Volume #14           Fri, 23 Mar 01 07:13:05 EST

  Pleas.. I need help (Michael Fakaro)
  Re: Help!!! (Trevor Hemsley)
  Re: Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A won't write under RedHat7.0 with 2.4.2 kernel 
  USB Camera driver? ("Nigel Feltham")
  ABIT KT7-RAID -- Kernel 2.4.1/2.4.2 compilation problem -- ATA100 Need  (Andrey 
  SHOUT OUT for help with job search, Vancouver, BC, Canada -- UNIX  (Andrey Vlassov)
  Here we go... ("Gérald Valentin")
  Re: Lilo with HPT366 UDMA 66 ("Gérald Valentin")
  Re: Lilo with HPT366 UDMA 66 ("Gérald Valentin")
  Re: How to boot CD-ROM on old system? (Laurence Tyler)
  Re: Toshiba Tecra 8000 Sound Problem ("Paul de Weerd")


From: Michael Fakaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pleas.. I need help
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:41:19 -0800

Well I am new to Linux and it's sure beating me up...

I loaded my system it wouldn't print.. somehow using the how to's I screwed 
it up so bad I had to wipe the partition and do it again..

Finally with some help from these lists I got the unit to print....... 

Then I attempted to install my ZIP drive on my own again.. and what do you 
know now I can't print again and I can't access my Zip either..

I followed the step by step instructions and did actually get my Zip to 

I typed modprobe ppa, and then mounted it.... went OK

But when I went to print the step by step instructions for filing away.. no 

But I have to print!!!! what's wrong?? I went and tried to back track but I 
just don't know.... maybe I should stick with OS/2.........

In klpq I get the following message at the bottom

"Host 'localhost' - cannot open connection to 'ps@localhost'- Connection 

When I try to schedule the printer in WebMin it gives me this error 

"Failed to start scheduler : lpd: Fatal error - Another print spooler isu 
sing TCP printer port, possibly lpd process '567' " 

I went into LISA and took scsi and ppa out of the kernel.. I thought maybe 
that was blocking the printer port???

once I got frustrated and type modprobe ppa again and my zip drive started 
and it actually printed one page and quit again.....

The I had to take ppa out of the kernel again???

Linux looks and feels awesome, but its got me beat..... and embarrassed

Any help would be greatly appreciated




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor Hemsley)
Subject: Re: Help!!!
Date: 23 Mar 2001 08:40:49 GMT

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 11:17:50, "cedric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I assume it's safe to delete /tmp/hdd.img now.

Yep, unless you want to keep it as a memento ;-) or a backup...

Trevor Hemsley, Brighton, UK.


Subject: Re: Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A won't write under RedHat7.0 with 2.4.2 kernel
Date: 23 Mar 2001 04:20:10 -0500 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an Acer CD-R/RW CRW6206A drive under RedHat7.0 with a 2.4.2 kernel.
> It will mount a CD under the scsi emulation (using /dev/cdrom -> /dev/scd0).
> It is connected as secondary master.

I am using TurboLinux with 2.2.14 kernel ... mine works ...

> # cdrecord -scanbus
> Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
> Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
> Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
> scsibus0:
>         0,0,0     0) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW CRW6206A' '1.2A' Removable CD-ROM

That's just what I get. Except, of course, for "1.6a" since I upgraded the

I wouldn't try speed 4 since it is only a 2x drive ...


From: "Nigel Feltham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB Camera driver?
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:43:38 -0000


Does anyone here know how I can get a camera based on the STMicroelectronics
Dual purpose (webcam and digicam) chipset to work on linux - either with
it's own
driver or with a modification to the CPIA chipset driver (cpia is usb device
0553:0002 - my camera is device 0553:0202).



From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ABIT KT7-RAID -- Kernel 2.4.1/2.4.2 compilation problem -- ATA100 Need 
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:37:25 GMT

Hi guys,

sorry that trouble you, but I stack with kernel compilation. I never had
anything similar for about 6 years as I use Linux. The problem is that
sometimes compilation fail on make dep, with message about raid.
Sometimes it fail on make bzImage with message about atm. What is more
funny that I disabled completely these options in make menuconfig or
make xconfig. It looks more strange that this options disabled in
.config as well but compilation still fail.
   Now little about my two computers: standard KT7-RAID 1.2GHz Athlon
with 512MB PC133 SDRAM memory, ASUS Geforge2 MX card and two IBM 40GB
drives which I've  been planning to use as RAID and probably play with
Beowolf cluster. System is RedHat 7.0 and i try to compile 2.4.1/2.4.2
kernel. I can add that RedHad was very difficult to install on this
computer till I did not flash new version BIOS. I managed to install
system ones before flashing BIOS but it was working unstable. And I had
to try install Windows 2000 which fail, I tried to install Windows ME
and it worked for sometime but I found that it start freeze after about
40 mins, I've restarted the system and it freeze again after 15 or 20
mins and each time it became shorter period. I have checked that CPU do
not overheated it looks like Ok below 50C -- BIOS report. I had to take
computer to the shop where I bought them for a check that the computers
are Ok. In the shop they flashed BIOS and they was able install Window
2000 which fail before and they run one computer for a while.
    Currently installation went just fine (I had to put HDDs on standard
IDE interface as RedHat 7.0 doesn't support ATA100 yet) but now I would
like switch on ATA100. I have compiled kernel 2.4.2 and it works but
with out UDMA and disks give only 3KB/s although before when I did not
flashed BIOS the disk gave about 35-36MB/s with enabled UDMA after short
tweaking with hdparm.
    I use standard procedure to compile kernel make menuconfig/xconfig,
make dep && make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install. Couple
times it worked (immediately after unpacking kernel) but after that it
fails. It looks that make mrproper and make dep doesn't work as they
should. Did anybody experienced similar problem with compilation? What I
found very strange that some options during configuration changes to
original by them selves -- I need check it ones more to say for sure.
     Hope to get a hand of help from you, as sometimes whem time allow
to do that do myself.

By the way I am looking for a job as Solaris UNIX System/Network
administrator in Vancouver, BC, Canada area and at the moment do not
find anything promising. Only words from employment agencies which do
not make piece in my soul. I will really, really appreciate for help
with job search. I've worked for companies like Telus ISP (RADIUS),
Vancouver, BC Canada and Schlumberger, Kazakhstan in total 6 years as
Solaris System/Network administrator and Linux is my hobby. 

Thanks a lot in advance and hope to hear from you soon. Hope to find new
friend among of you.



From: Andrey Vlassov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.internet.providers.canada,
Subject: SHOUT OUT for help with job search, Vancouver, BC, Canada -- UNIX 
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:53:22 GMT

Hi guys,

please ignore this message if you are not from Canada.

very sorry for this post, I know that it is not appropriate for this
news group but I had to do it.
I know that this group is alive and constantly monitor it and sometimes
help people here but now I need help from you. I am looking for a job at
the moment and not too successful. I am Solaris System/Network
administrator for 6 year who immigrate to Canada about two yeas ago. I
ahd a job with Telus for 1.5 years and now contract finished and I am
looking for new job. As all of you know It industry went down and now it
became more complicated to find a job. I tried contact employment
agencies agencies but there only promises coming in far future. I do not
have many friend in Canada yet who worked in IT industry who could help.
I am know that still job available somewhere but it in hidden labor
market and only possible way to get the job is through you. I hope that
their will kind man between you who will give a hand if help. I will
really very appreciate if it will happen. If you in doubt about my
experience just give me a shout for resume and it will emailed same day.

Sorry again for this message and hope for help

Thank you in advance



From: "Gérald Valentin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Here we go...
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:08:31 +0100


here is my lilo.conf:

boot = /dev/hde1
map = /boot/map
timeout = 50
  message = /boot/message
  default = linux
  vga = normal
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  label = linux
  root = /dev/hdf5
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  label = failsafe
  append = " failsafe"
  root = /dev/hdf5
other = /dev/hde1
  label = windows
other = /dev/fd0
  label = floppy
=========End of file=================

When I type lilo it returns:

Added linux *
Added failsafe
Added windows
Added floppy

and I can hear a disk access to /dev/hde (WD 10GB)

and typing lilo -v returns:

LILO version 21.5, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Extensions beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2000 John Coffman
Released 18-Jul-2000 and compiled at 11:17:43 on Oct  3 2000.

Reading boot sector from /dev/hde1
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Mapping message file /boot/message
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz
Added linux *
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz
Added failsafe
Boot other: /dev/hde1, on /dev/hde, loader /boot/chain.b
Added windows
Boot other: /dev/fd0, loader /boot/chain.b
Pseudo partition start: 0
Added floppy
/boot/boot.2101 exists - no backup copy made.
Writing boot sector.

As you can see my version is 21.5, but I don't know if version 21.7.2 is
enhanced enough to remedy my problem...

Regards, Gérald.

"John in SD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
> Show us your 'lilo.conf' file, and also what version of LILO you are
> Current version is 21.7.2.
> --John
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:59:13 +0100, "Gérald Valentin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm running a 2.2.17 kernel on UDMA disks and I can't make Lilo run
> >properly.
> >Here is the config:
> >
> >Motherboard Abit BE6 with latest BIOS (TH)
> >
> >UDMA 33    (ide0): Cd-rom (e:) + Iomega Zip 100 (f:)
> >                    (ide1): no disk
> >
> >UDMA 66 (ide2): Western Digital 10 GB with Windows98 mounted as hde1 in
> >/mnt/win1 i.e. c: (default install from the vendor of my PC)
> >                            + Seagate 40 GB partitioned as follows:
> >by myself)
> >
> >                            hdf1 (primary): 20MB ext2fs mounted as /boot
> >with vmlinuz
> >                            hdf2 (primary): 256MB swap
> >                            hdf3 (primary): 9GB windows98 vfat (fat32)
> >mounted as /mnt/win2 i.e. d:
> >                            hdf4 (primary):
> >                                hdf5 (extended): 15GB ext2fs mounted as
> >/home
> >                                hdf6 (extended): 15GB ext2fs mounted as /
> >
> >                    (ide3): no disk
> >
> >Booting from a floppy for Linux is OK as well as booting in W98 by
> >directly from hde1.
> >
> >First of all Lilo failed to install from command line. Only DrakeConf
> >Mandrake distrib) managed to do it (I don't know how...)
> >
> >In lilo.conf there are 4 ways to boot in:
> >
> >    vmlinuz hdf1
> >    failsafe with vmlinuz (level 1) hdf1
> >    windows hde1
> >    floppy fd0
> >
> >When booting, only vmlinuz is available from lilo and mounting hde1 fails
> >saying:
> >    "damage blocks or too many file systems mounted"
> >
> >No more windows (only "Lil" displayed). Making a fdisk /mbr under a DOS
> >floppy fails saying the mbr was not updated. Only lilo -u works:
> >this means that the hde1 boot sector is not reachable either from DOS nor
> >from lilo.
> >
> >Any idea on how to boot correctly from lilo?
> >Remember though that I can boot into Linux with a floppy and directly
> >Windows from the disk after uninstalling lilo but booting from the floppy
> >too slow and if I forget to insert it I'm under Windows by default: I
> >would like to be able to choose from lilo at startup... :-)
> >
> >Thanks in advance for your help.
> >
> >Regards, Gérald.
> >
> LILO version 21.7 (24-Feb-2001) source at
> patches to -2 at


From: "Gérald Valentin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo with HPT366 UDMA 66
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:11:33 +0100

Thank you.

Do you mean that I should install lilo in the MBR of my 40 GB disk (where
Linux is installed) instead of installing it in the MBR of my 10 GB disk
(where Windows is installed) in order to help XOSL booting my Linux?

"Kenneth Rørvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gérald Valentin) wrote in
> <99cn0n$sgb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Funny tool but it is unable to boot into Linux although it detects
> >perfectly all partitions on my disks.
> >Works fine only for Windows98 and to boot from a floppy
> I assume you are referring to xosl - Xosl needs another bootloader to
> reside on the partition it is told to boot. With win98 this is already in
> place, lilo and grub can do this for linux.
> --
> Kenneth Rørvik 91841353/22950312
> Nordbergv. 60 A [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0875 OSLO


From: "Gérald Valentin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo with HPT366 UDMA 66
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:14:02 +0100


In fact there are no error messages at all nor any ide IO addresses:

When I type lilo it returns:

Added linux *
Added failsafe
Added windows
Added floppy

and I can hear a disk access to /dev/hde (WD 10GB)

and typing lilo -v returns:

LILO version 21.5, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Extensions beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2000 John Coffman
Released 18-Jul-2000 and compiled at 11:17:43 on Oct  3 2000.

Reading boot sector from /dev/hde1
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Mapping message file /boot/message
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz
Added linux *
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz
Added failsafe
Boot other: /dev/hde1, on /dev/hde, loader /boot/chain.b
Added windows
Boot other: /dev/fd0, loader /boot/chain.b
Pseudo partition start: 0
Added floppy
/boot/boot.2101 exists - no backup copy made.
Writing boot sector.

Regards, Gérald.

"Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
> The thread got broken somehow so I'll ask:  Do you have the ide io
> addresses listed in lilo.conf?  Do you get any arror messages when you
> run /sbin/lilo?
> "Gérald Valentin" wrote:
> >
> > Funny tool but it is unable to boot into Linux although it detects
> > all partitions on my disks.
> > Works fine only for Windows98 and to boot from a floppy
> >
> > Gerald
> >
> > "Stephen Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message
> > 998f0a$dpi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Kenneth Rørvik wrote:
> > >
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Anthony) wrote in <997prs$60u$2
> > > >>:
> > > >
> > > >>I had the exact same problem with a Promise ATA100 controller.  I
> > > >>different versions of lilo, different command line options, and read
> > > >>every FAQ I could find.  I eventually had to go with a different
> > > >>loader.  I found one on  Forget the name of it now,
> > > >>it installs in the windows partition and actually has a GUI.  You
> > > >>select the OS to boot with the mouse.  Good luck.
> > > >
> > > > Maybe XOSL? Grub could also be an option, but it is a bit trickier
> > > > lilo to set up.
> > >
> > > Yes, thats it.  I couldn't get grub to work either.  Besides, this
> > > looks better than either lilo or grub.
> > >
> > > Steve
> > >
> --
> Rinaldi]$
> We all know Linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
> --Linus Torvalds


Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:26:10 +0000
From: Laurence Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to boot CD-ROM on old system?

Thanks for the advice, folks...

After thinking about it a bit more, I did realise that it was not really
possible to 
do this. My proto-scheme went something like this:

        Floppy boot disk loads own CD driver
        Read CD boot image into RAM
        Redirect BIOS 'read from boot device' call to custom driver
                that reads from this RAM image as if it were a floppy
                (after all, this is more or less what the BIOS does anyway:
                it 'hallucinates' a boot floppy that is really part of the CD)
        Boot from boot sector on this virtual floppy

It was only later that I spotted the flaw in this scheme: you don't know
when it is safe to STOP emulating a boot floppy, i.e. there is no point
at which you can be sure that it is safe to unload your redirected
driver. Thus the driver has to remain in memory forever, just in case
the booted system decides to 'read from boot device' again. This raises
all sorts of issues to do with non-recoverable memory segments etc, and
in the general case it may not even be possible to stop a booting system
from overwriting the driver you have installed (I don't know enough
about BIOS programming to determine this one).

If you KNOW for certain that you are booting a Linux system, then it
just might be possible to cook something up, but I suspect it would be
very distro/kernel specific, and I was hoping for a general solution
(that would theoretically be able to boot a Windows CD as well).

There IS a solution for any given CD, and that is to extract the boot
floppy image form the CD, write it to a real floppy disk and boot that.
Unfortunately, the CD I particularly wanted to boot has a 2.88 Mb 'big
floppy' boot image, so I can't do that either in this case... My fault
for still running on a 486 laptop, I suppose... :-(

Thanks again for the suggestions.


Laurence Tyler                          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD Researcher (Neural Nets & Robotics) | Web:
Centre for Computational Intelligence   | Tel: +44-(0)116-2551551 x8408
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK   | Fax: +44-(0)116-2541891


From: "Paul de Weerd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Toshiba Tecra 8000 Sound Problem
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:21:39 +0100

"Vladislav Dembskiy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:98lg0q$2qv0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Yes my Yamaha OPL3SAx card is supported by ALSA. But it is not PnP card in
> laptop. I have similar PnP card in my desktop system and it is working
> with the same driver.
> Best wishes,
> --
> Vladislav Dembskiy

The Tecra 8000 has a NeoMagic 256 AV Video *and* sound controller. You don't
really heave a OPL3SAx in your system, it's just (somewhat) compatible. It's
also WSS compatible i believe. I have the same laptop, and i run OSS (not
free) on it. Works perfectly, but I never got any other drivers running on
this card.



> "Dr Mike Waters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> news:sNqr6.18240$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Vladislav Dembskiy wrote:
> >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > I have just installed SuSE 7.1 on my Toshiba Tecra 8000 laptop. It was
> > > clean install - default + office. Kernel 2.4.0. Everithing is working
> > > except sound card. Yast2 does not detect my sound card and I tried to
> > > configure it manually but unsuccessfull. Earlier I did installation of
> > > SuSE 6.4 and it was working.
> > >
> > > What I did:
> > >
> > > Sound card driver:    Yamaha OPL3SA2+
> > > Sound card Model:    generic Yamaha OPL3SA2
> > > Options:
> > >     Port #:        0x538
> > >     SB port #:    0x220
> > >     WSS port #:    0x530
> > >     FM port #:    0x388
> > >     MIDI port #:    0x330
> > >     IRQ #:        5
> > >     1st DMA #:    1
> > >     2nd DMA #:    0
> > >     ISA PnP detection:    0
> > >
> > > Error:
> > > An error occured during installing generic Yamaha OPL3SA2 (Yamaha
> > > OPL3SA2+). The kernel module snd-card-opl3sa2 for sound support could
> > > be loaded.
> > >
> > > The same error was if I tried to use OPL3SA3 model.
> > >
> > > In Toshiba Hardware Configuration options the card has the following
> > > options: I/O address:
> > >     WSS:    530h
> > >     SBPro:    220h
> > >     Synthesizer:    388h
> > >     Control:    538h
> > >     MPU401:    330h
> > >
> > > Interrupt Level:    5
> > > DMA Channel:
> > >     Playback:    1
> > >     Record:    0
> > >
> > > What I did wrong?
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > > --
> > > Vladislav Dembskiy
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Is your card supported by alsa? IIRC SuSE6.4 didn't have alsa but 7.1
> > it as the default sound driver system. try the oss drivers from the 6.4
> > (not the trial one but the older 'free' one).
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Dr Mike Waters
> > --
> > Doh! Nuts! Mmmm! Donuts!



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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