Linux-Hardware Digest #650, Volume #14           Thu, 19 Apr 01 12:13:07 EDT

  RE: K7T Master-SI (Athlon 1.2Ghz/266FSB)? ("C. J.")
  RE: BP6 Mandrake 7.1 & Up Install Locking up. ("C. J.")
  Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: can't install DLink DFE-530TX ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: very bad performance. what can I do? (David Balazic)
  Re: 2.4.3, ATA100 & Hedrick's patches (David Balazic)
  Re: Geforce2mx dying on logout from X (David Balazic)
  Re: linux and cray j90 (Martha H Adams)
  Re: No logitech mouse works with any distribution of linux... (Andreas Parsch)
  Re: isapnp conflicts w/motherboard sound device (Jan Frederik Gosch)
  Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill them up? 
(J. Clarke)
  Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill them up? 
(J. Clarke)
  LS120 ("Bill Wooldridge")
  SVGATextMode and NeoMagic 2160 (Jens Muessig)
  ATI Xpert 2000 Pro Problem ("Francisco Galvan")
  Re: Gigabyte GA-7DX (AMD760) ("Kelledin")
  Re: SVGATextMode and NeoMagic 2160 (Kwan Lowe)
  Re: remount HD rw (Kwan Lowe)
  Re: Via82c driver for sound (Markku Kolkka)
  Re: Sound question (Kwan Lowe)
  Re: very bad performance. what can I do? (Joeri Sebrechts)
  need 3Com 3c950 NIC driver for win2k (works just fine in a linux!) (Eric Holbrook)
  Re: advice on video adaptor (Markku Kolkka)
  Re: remount HD rw (Joeri Sebrechts)
  sound in intel810e AC97 ("Alan Andrade")


Subject: RE: K7T Master-SI (Athlon 1.2Ghz/266FSB)?
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:46:59 +0200

Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
> I'm thinking of getting the K7T Master Si with the dual Ultra3 SCSI
> adapter. Before buying, does anybody have this board running under
> Linux? I hear that (some?) Athlon boards have problems running Linux 7.

Cannot help much. I suppose K7T is from Abit, so I tell you I have Abit K7A
+ Athlon 1,2 GHz / 266 MHz FSB and Red Hat 6.2. Only problem I had was Red
Hat thinks it's a PIII and tries to disable CPU Serial Nº. instruction, so I
have to pass to the kernel "x86_serial_nr=1" on startup.

Everything else just marvellous. CPU runs at 40ºC but stable as rock (till

> Any comments, suggestions, alternatives and experiences appreciated.
> Al


Subject: RE: BP6 Mandrake 7.1 & Up Install Locking up.
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:53:12 +0200

I can't tell anything about those Linux distributioms.

Just to let you know (in case you dont) :

    ABit BP6 + (2) Celeron 466 + (2) IDE DRIVES + IDE CD-ROM + Sound Blaster
AWE 32 + Matrox Millenium II + 128 MB RAM + Realteck PCI Ethernet


    Red Hat 6.2 or 7

 works xtremely fine (no locks at all).

Sorry can't help much

Glenn A. Serpas Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
> MB: ABit BP6
> Processor's: (2) Celeron 533Mhz
> Ram:256M
> H/D Ctrl: HPT366 UDMA66
> HD: Seagate 20G/7200Rpm UDMA66 (IDE3)
> CDRom:Maxtor EIDE 48X (IDE1)
> CDBurner:Pacific Digital (IDE2)
> Video: Voodoo 3/3000
> Sound: SBPCI128
> NIC: DLink NE2000 ISA compatable
> Please Help!!!
> I've been unable to install Linux Mandrake since version 7.0 .. On
> versions 7.1 & 7.2 I get locked up shortly after the install begins
> installing packages from CD#1 .. I recently tried 8.0 Beta 2.. It locked
> shortly after installing packages from CD#2 .. This is a hard lock. I
> have to shut my system off.. Reset and CTRL+ALT+DEL do not work.. I've
> asked Mandrake and a few Linux news groups. No one seems to have a clue.
> Could the lock up have something to do w/the EC10 problem on version 1.1
> MB's??? I've noticed that occassionally my machine will just lock up.. I
> duel boot between WIn2K Professional and Mandrake(or at least I used to)..


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.4.3 kernel / new aic7xxx driver problem
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 17:08:08 +0200

Bruce S. Garlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peter T. Breuer" wrote:

>> Bruce S. Garlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > My 2.4.3 kernel comes with version 6.1.5 of the new Adaptec driver.  I
>> > have tried to update this to the most recent version, 6.1.11 as seen on
>> > however, this site does not have
>> > the patches for 6.1.6, 6.1.7, or 6.1.8 for the 2.4.3 kernel.  Does
>> Use the 2.4.2 ones, and mend the differences. I had no problem
>> patching 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 (and 2.4.2, as I recall) with 6.1.8.

> Forgive me for asking this, but what do you mean by "mend"?  Should I just d/l

Mend? It's an english word! Correct. Fix. Repair.

> all the 2.4.2 ones, and patch them to my 2.4.3? Or should I d/l the 2.4.2
> patches for 6.1.6, 6.1.7, 6.1.8, and then use the provided 2.4.3 patches for
> 6.1.9, 6.1.10, and 6.1.11?

Eh? What "all"? Choose the patch you want to apply and apply it. If it is
aimed at your kernel, it will go perfectly. If not, you'll have to mend the
patch errors after applying it.

Why are you talking in plurals with respect to applying a patch? One
patch I have, for example, is:


That's all.

>> > anyone know how to get in touch with the site maintainer (his email is
>> It's justin gibbs, himself, I think.

> Yes, I believe so too, but there was no email on his page.

It's in the driver source, no? As I recall, anyway. 



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't install DLink DFE-530TX
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 17:11:15 +0200

Dieter Wachters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suse Linux 7.0 (linux is totally new to mee) doesn't seem to find my
> networkcard. I have a Dlink DFE-530TX.
> I just use Yast2, but he always tells me he can't find any networkcard and
> it's doesn't seem to be possible to install it manually (probably I just
> don't now how).

modprobe foo             where foo is the driver for your card
ifconfig etho bar        where bar is your ethernet address.

Please read the Ethernet-HOWTO.

foo's are to be found in /lib/modules/2.*.*/............../net/foo.o.

If it's an ISA card you may have to do some preliminary work in your
bios and in pnp.



From: David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: very bad performance. what can I do?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:33:54 +0200

Joeri Sebrechts wrote:
> Tom Roberts wrote:
> > Jan Buckow wrote:
> > > # hdparm -Tt /dev/hda
> > > /dev/hda:
> > >  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.01 seconds =126.73 MB/sec
> > >  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 33.65 seconds =  1.90 MB/sec
> > I have an 800 MHz Athlon with PC133 memory, and a UDMA-100 7200 RPM
> > hard disk. The key to improving disk performance is enabling DMA -- most
> > Linux distributions default to no DMA, which really hurts performance (but
> > makes every IDE drive work -- some ancient drives cannot support DMA).
> > that is: hdparm -d 1 /dev/hd?
> There's no guarantee that it'll work. Firstly, you can only set dma to
> the common denominator of the devices on your ide chain. So if your
> udma/33 cd and your udma/66 harddisk are connected to the same cable,
> you're limited to udma/33 (at least that's what they told me)
> Secondly, if you enable dma with -d 1 it will try the highest dma
> setting that the drive reports being able to do, which on any modern
> motherboard is at least udma/66. But. If you can only do udma/33
> (because there's another udma/33 device on the chain,

ATA/100 device + ATA/100 interface = ATA/100 operation,
even if there is an ATA/33 or less device on the same bus.
The ATA/33 device will work at ATA/33.

> or because your
> motherboard only supports as high as udma/33) it won't work, so you'll
> have to manually give the argument to set it to, for example, udma/33
> (which is -X66). I had to do this on a system of mine where enabling dma
> either gave a bunch of errors, or made the system crash.

UDMA support depends largely on your BIOS.
If the BIOS didn't set up things correctly,
the chance of good performance in Linux is low.
Complain to kernel folks to not depend on BIOS ...
> And another thing. Enable 32 bit IO (hdparm -c 1 /dev/hd?). It will add
> a bit of speed on top of dma. Not much, maybe not even noticeable, but
> it's there.

AFAIK , this has no effect if DMA is used.

> And finally, you need to fix these settings with hdparm -k 1 /dev/hd?
> That makes linux remember the settings across ide resets (don't know how
> often these occur), and you need to place them in your bootscripts,
> because every time your reboot they're gone.

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From: David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.4.3, ATA100 & Hedrick's patches
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:38:04 +0200

Pavan wrote:
> Hi,
> My kernel 2.4.3(vanilla) compiled with via IDE chipset support detects
> my 686b chipset at bootup and even runs my IBM Deskstar 75GXP at
> ATA100(according to boot messages).
> So why are the hedrick patches required?

Who said that they are required ?
I am running linux since 2.4.0 at it works at ATA/100, no problems.

IBM DTLA 307045 ( Deskstar 75GXP 45 GB ) : 35 MB/s in hdparm -t

Also 2.2.x kernel support ATA/100 , IIRC.

> Isn't my hdd running at
> ata100 even though hdparm and dmesg say ata100(udma5)?
> hdparm -t gives 25 MB/s
> Please help...
> -Pavan

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From: David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Geforce2mx dying on logout from X
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:49:16 +0200

"Gerard H. Pille" wrote:
> this is on an Abit VP6 with 2 Intel PIII 866, and an Elsa Geforce2mx.
> Each time I find the following line in dmesg:
>  kernel: mtrr: no MTRR for d0000000,2000000 found
> Just switched to 2.4.3 to make sure, but no luck, using Nvidia's
> otherwise Xellent NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769
> Or would this be software?

complain to nvidia
There was amil list for that, but is dead for many weeks now.
Try on IRC : server , channel #nvidia

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill & Ted
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martha H Adams)
Subject: Re: linux and cray j90
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:50:48 GMT

The reasons I've noticed above to not get involved with that old Cray, are
plausible and even convincing; however, let's think a moment about reasons.

If you pull up a batch of reasons to demonstrate you can't do something, 
you are very likely to wind up proving you're right.  

If however, you focus your thinking on how to get the job done, any how that
works, and you plug along at it, you just might more often than pure reason
indicates, come up with something surprising, interesting, and *successful.*
Something you never thought of until you got into the work; and nobody else
did either.  That's why I think Junkyard Wars is one of today's television

Anyhow, about all that waste heat that might come from the Cray when it's
running, if indeed it's water cooled, and they go ahead with my car radiator
idea, seems to me, you can put the radiator outdoors.  You may notice a
lot of house air conditioners use this idea.  Rather than a fan to move air
through it then, you can put it in a vertical tube, a chimney, and the
natural draft move air through it.

Yes, the idea is growing, but what do you expect?  A *Cray* in your home is
not something "sensible" people would be doing anyhow.  Wow!  Just *think*
how fast that machine would do large fractals!  Astronomical simulations
too, come to mind.  Just get that Linux going in it, and you can sell a
book about it.  

Cheers -- Martha Adams


From: Andreas Parsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No logitech mouse works with any distribution of linux...
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:43:07 +0200

iQXth wrote:
> ...or do they?
> Are there issues setting up Logitech's iFeel mouse as a generic
> 3-button mouse? What about Logitech's iFeel MouseMan? Does that also
> function as a generic mouse?

I have a Logitech MouseMan 3-button wheelmouse working flawlessly in X (SuSE
7.1: XFree 4.0.2, KDE 2.1.0). The 3-button mouse was apparently detected
during setup, because the only thing I had to configure manually (w/o any
problems) was the wheel support.



From: Jan Frederik Gosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: isapnp conflicts w/motherboard sound device
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:23:16 +0200

On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, JohnZbesko wrote:

> I'm going nuts! My daughter has a clone Cyrix PC with an onboard soundcard,
> CMI8330/C3D (identified w/sndconfig.) I can't seem to straighten out some
> resource conflict - the best I've accomplished is the sound sample in
> sndconfig starts but cuts out. I'm working with kernel 2.4.2. This PC has a
I've got a CMI8330 sound-chip as well and behaves strange. I can get it to
work, but the procedure is strange:
First I recompiled the kernel with C-Media sound support (experimental
driver) and SB16 support. I'm not sure if this is necessary but after I
did it it worked somehow.
When i start sndconfig the card is detected, but I have to change the
setup manually.
IO 530 IRQ 7 DMA 1 (midi doesnt work but the  settings are IO 330 IRQ 9)
Now the strange behaviour: I have to try many times until I can hear the
sample and the sample is distorted, and midi fails so I get prompted for
the card again but then i cancel and start X. Now mp3's  with XMMS works
fine. I haven't tried sound in games or anywhere else but i hope it will
work !! When I reboot my system the module loads succesfully, but there is
no sound so I have to restart sndconfig until the distorted sample comes
again and the card works again.
As I scrolled through the news-group I could see, that sound is a general
problem under Linux.
If you discover anything new please mail me !!
Good luck 

> serial mouse.
> How do I determine what's conflicting? Can anyone suggest a procedure for
> debugging? I seem to be thrashing around trying one thing after another
> hoping that something works. I've messed with different modules, different
> settings in sndconfig, HardDrake (Mandrake 7.2), etc.
> Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated!
> John Zbesko


From: J. Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill 
them up?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:36:31 -0400

> J. Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Precisely.  With the most perfect algorithm in the world, a larger cache 
> > will take longer to access than a smaller one.
> Yes, but with a mere 30GB of difference in the sizes of the 
> caches, the difference in speed can be insignificant.  

So how big do they have to be before it becomes significant?  And what 
constitutes "significant" in your book?

And since this started out in the context of commercial web browsers, 
since you're so sure this is easy, why not provide an improved cache for 
some web browser or other?

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(used to be jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


From: J. Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: today's harddrives will surely fail before dialup users manage to fill 
them up?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:44:33 -0400

> J. Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >Oh?  Care to provide us with the algorithm that performs searches of 
> > > >large directories as quickly as it does small ones?
> > > 
> > > Get a book on databases.
> > 
> > Here's how it works.  You make an assertion, you get called on it, you 
> > have the choice of backing it up or looking like a twit.  You failed to 
> > back up your assertion . . .
> It's called common knowledge.  Everyone who knows how to program
> a database knows how to do an indexed one that will find the data
> on a 30GB hard drive MUCH faster than downloading it over a T1,
> much less a dialup connection.  Get a book on databases.

So you would store each cached web page as a database entry?

As for it being "common knowledge", if you check the crossposting, 
you'll find that at least one of the newsgroups to which it is posted is 
not a programming oriented newsgroup. 

> > In any case you made an assertion that if one's web browser slows down 
> > with a large cache, then one should rewrite the cache program.  That 
> > leads one to conclude, since you made this assertion without caveat, 
> > that there is some algorithm out there that allows one to write a cache 
> > program that does not slow down with a large cache.
> It's trivial.  He doesn't need to explain the algorithm, 
> because it's standard stock.  Everyone who knows ANYTHING
> algorithms already understands how hashing works.  

And there is _zero_ difference in response time with increasing number 
of entries?  Is that your assertion?

> > > For a web browser cache application,
> > > you only need to be faster than the network connection; no need
> > > to be faster than not doing anything at all, as that's not equivalent.
> > 
> > So let's see, you have a web page that with no cache loads in 30 
> > seconds.  With cache algorithm a it loads in 20 seconds and with cache 
> > algorithm b it loads in 15 seconds.  So you're saying that a and b are 
> > equivalent and that all else being equal you would have no preference 
> > between them?
> If you create a web page that takes fifteen seconds to load
> out of a cache from the local hard drive, it must be a really
> BIG web page, or else you're waiting for Java to start up.
> Three seconds would be a LONG time.

You miss the point.  Why does that not surprise me?

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(used to be jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


From: "Bill Wooldridge" <bwoo;>
Subject: LS120
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:31:49 -0500

Does anyone here work with LS120 floppies in their Linux boxes?  If so, what
system and version?

Thanks for your consideration,



From: Jens Muessig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SVGATextMode and NeoMagic 2160
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:33:26 +0200

my Thinkpad 600 has a 1024x768 screen resolution. XFree is running very
well with NeoMagic 2160 and this resolution.
But mostly I'm working in text mode and SVGTextMode is only able to
configure the screen for 800x600 because the support for this newer
NeoMagic chip is not built in.
My question is: does anybody have parameters about this videochip, or
better, running SVGTextMode with 1024x768?
NeoMagic doesn't provide any informations about the chips :( but XFree
has an object file to set the screen to 1024x768 on NeoMagic notebooks.



From: "Francisco Galvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATI Xpert 2000 Pro Problem
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:19:25 +0200


I have an ATI Xpert 2000 Pro with chipset Rage 128 Pro, it works fine in
text mode with RH 6.0 and RH6.2 but in the screen goes black when running
startx, only if I change the XF86Config file and select "Generic VGA",  the
startx works fine, but with 320x200 resolution.

I installed Corel Linux too, but the PC reboot at few minutes.

I see the box of Linux Suse 7.1 and it say that ATI 128 Pro Chipset Cards is
It is true?

My PC is a Pentium II - 350 MHz with 192 Mb RAM.



From: "Kelledin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Gigabyte GA-7DX (AMD760)
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:46:32 GMT

Ok, never mind all the fuss.  I just did some extensive testing/RTFM and
came up with the solutuion.

Turns out that the aic7xxx driver was scanning for ISA/EISA/VLB controllers,
and this motherboard doesn't even have slots of that type--so I suppose it
wouldn't have the controller hardware for it either.  I passed the
"aic7xxx=no_probe" option to the kernel and it came up just fine.

/me hangs his head in humility, now feeling like a dumb*ss. =/

Kelledin, the Dreaming Minstrel


From: Kwan Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SVGATextMode and NeoMagic 2160
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:50:51 GMT

Jens Muessig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> my Thinkpad 600 has a 1024x768 screen resolution. XFree is running very
> well with NeoMagic 2160 and this resolution.
> But mostly I'm working in text mode and SVGTextMode is only able to
> configure the screen for 800x600 because the support for this newer
> NeoMagic chip is not built in.

It might be easier to configure the framebuffer console for this laptop.
Try adding vga=791 to the image section in lilo.conf then running lilo. 


        append="mem=384M ide1=autotune ide0=autotune"

This will only work if you have frame buffer console supported in your kernel.


From: Kwan Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: remount HD rw
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:54:32 GMT

Frederik Himpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,

> So, now I can't write anymore on the disk, and I would like to set up NFS, 
> so I can make a backup...

Do this at your own risk:
mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda#  (replace hda# with your device)

It may be safer to boot with a rescue disk or FTP the files needing backup.


From: Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Via82c driver for sound
Date: 19 Apr 2001 18:33:26 +0300


> have been trying this but ./configure says it cannot find version.h in the
> directory it wants it to be?
> how can i change this dir

./configure --with-kernel=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

        Markku Kolkka


From: Kwan Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound question
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:01:20 GMT

> How do I configure sound for a machine? On my home machine,
> I just put a CD in the drive and no problem I get sound.
> On my work machine, not so simple.

If your sound card is not working try using sndconfig to configure
the card. It sounds like you want the CD to autoplay on insert. This
depends on what CD player you're using.

> Also, the person who had the machine before me said
> that the SCSI drive interfered with sound somhow. Does
> that make sense? How might that happen and how can I fix it?

Hmmm... I suppose if you had an IDE CD-writer that was configured using the
SCSI emulation driver there may be initial problems. I play cds on my SCSI
CDR every day without issue. Generally, just make sure that the /dev/cdrom
and /mnt/cdrom links point to the correct places. E.g.:
/dev/cdrom points to /dev/hdc or /dev/scd0 for SCSI.
/mnt/cdrom must also be correct in /etc/fstab. E.g.:

/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev        0 0
/dev/cdrom2     /mnt/cdrom2     iso9660 ro,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev        0 0

My devices are as follows:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Jan  6 13:15 /dev/cdrom -> hdc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jan  6 13:15 /dev/cdrom2 -> scd0


From: Joeri Sebrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: very bad performance. what can I do?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:01:45 GMT

David Balazic wrote:
> > There's no guarantee that it'll work. Firstly, you can only set dma to
> > the common denominator of the devices on your ide chain. So if your
> > udma/33 cd and your udma/66 harddisk are connected to the same cable,
> > you're limited to udma/33 (at least that's what they told me)
> > Secondly, if you enable dma with -d 1 it will try the highest dma
> > setting that the drive reports being able to do, which on any modern
> > motherboard is at least udma/66. But. If you can only do udma/33
> > (because there's another udma/33 device on the chain,
> ATA/100 device + ATA/100 interface = ATA/100 operation,
> even if there is an ATA/33 or less device on the same bus.
> The ATA/33 device will work at ATA/33.

Will someone please explain to me how this thing works. Because some
people say you can only run at the common denominator, and now you say
you run at what each device can. I don't get it. Can or can't you run a
drive at, for example, udma/33, when there's a non-udma cd on the same
cable ? Or is this mix and match thing only valid when all the drives
are udma ?

> > And another thing. Enable 32 bit IO (hdparm -c 1 /dev/hd?). It will add
> > a bit of speed on top of dma. Not much, maybe not even noticeable, but
> > it's there.
> AFAIK , this has no effect if DMA is used.

I'm no expert either. The man page told me to turn it on, I turned it
on, I ran hdparm -t and it improved by half a meg/sec (which, admittedly
was probably just random difference, since hdparm doesn't return
absolutes ofcourse).

Joeri Sebrechts


From: Eric Holbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: need 3Com 3c950 NIC driver for win2k (works just fine in a linux!)
Date: 19 Apr 2001 10:57:09 -0500

i know this is an odd post; bear w/me please.  i've never had a
problem running my 3c950 nic in linux (or solaris, for that matter). i
just installed win2k, though, and it can't find the driver for it. a
search on 3com's page yielded nothing. 

anyone else had this card/problem? do i use the driver for another of
their cards? 

thanks in advance,


From: Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: advice on video adaptor
Date: 19 Apr 2001 18:54:28 +0300

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martijn Brouwer) writes:
> - TNT2
> - S3 Savage 4
> - ATI Rage 128
> Which one is best supported, performs best.

ATI has best open-source driver support, Nvidia chips have good performance
with Nvidia's proprietary drivers. S3 doesn't exist anymore, so stay away
from their orphaned products.

        Markku Kolkka


From: Joeri Sebrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: remount HD rw
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:06:13 GMT

Frederik Himpe wrote:
> 1. How can I remount the filesystem so that I can write on it again?

I had a comparable problem (but mine was due to power failures messing
up my partition), where I couldn't remount / rw. Damn pita if you ask
Had to boot of a rescue floppy and fsck it from there. And ofcourse, I
didn't have such floppy, so I had to first find a way to make one
(luckily, the debian rescue + root floppy set does this).
Does anyone know an easier way to fsck a / filesystem that linux doesn't
want to remount rw ? 
*blinking light above head* Hmmmm, maybe I should install another linux
on a separate partition, just to be able to repair from there in case
this ever happens again.

have a nice day,
Joeri Sebrechts


From: "Alan Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: sound in intel810e AC97
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 21:34:27 +0530

I  have been trying to configure sound on my machine its on intel810E AC97
i ran ./configure..make ..make install on the following file
then ran ./snddevices from the devices dir
modprobe  snd-intel8x0  (as modprobe snd-card-intel8x0 was not working)
then on testing by
cat /proc/modules the following is seen
snd-intel8x0            6288   0 (unused)
snd-ac97-codec         23104   0 [snd-intel8x0]
snd-mixer              27248   0 [snd-ac97-codec]
snd-pcm                30008   0 [snd-intel8x0]
snd-timer               8640   0 [snd-pcm]
snd                    36716   0 [snd-intel8x0 snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer
snd-pcm snd-timer]
soundcore               2596   0 [snd]
agpgart                 4660   1 (autoclean)
lockd                  31176   1 (autoclean)
sunrpc                 52964   1 (autoclean) [lockd]
nls_iso8859-1           2240   3 (autoclean)
nls_cp437               3748   3 (autoclean)
vfat                    9372   3 (autoclean)
fat                    30720   3 (autoclean) [vfat]

on cat  /proc/asound/cards
--no soundcard---
well i am not sure what to make of all this and would like to rpoceed
let me know how ..
I had proceeded till here through the HOWTO from alsa-proj
thanks in advance



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