EL>> If asked I'm sure they would add that feature.

Yeah, somewhere in this millennium. Thanks a lot, by this time my
grandchildren will read it for me, so I would not care then.

EL>> how about instead of saying opera lacking some features get
EL>> people who would but it (yea paying it's not that evil you know)
EL>> if they would add certain features, you would be suprised how
EL>> fast it would happen and how bug free it would be

yeah, yeah. I want to see this happening. How much should I pay to add
normal charsets support (this is while I have perfect implementation in
Mozilla for free?)
Look how much of HTML 4 they do not support. Do you think nobody required
them to support it? They just decided "well, let's make this
quick-n-dirty". That's their right, but claiming that they have best
product on the market is a bit of overstatement.

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