On Mon, 2002-09-02 at 00:29, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Nadav Har'El wrote:
> >[1] If I remember correctly, it was Rebinu Gershom around the year 1000
> >who declared it forbidden to read other people's mail without permission.
> >  
> >
> This argument is flawed because of a perhaps unexpected point Nadav has 
> forgotten. While it is true that Gershom forbade read other people's 
> mail (among the other things this Herem forbade), Haramim only hold true 
> for 1000 years, and this particular Herem expired at around 1999. You 
> are, once again, allowed to read other people's mail, just as you are, 
> once again, allowed to marry more than one woman. This is no joke.

Great! The Haalacha suffers from a Y2k problem :-)

Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Money talks, bullshit walks and GNU awks."
  -- Shachar "Sun" Shemesh, debt collector for the GNU/Yakuza

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