On 2 Sep 2002, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> IANAL, but IIRC US courts have come to a bizarre conclusion that
> people do not expect the same level of privacy in their electronic
> communications (such as email) as in their conventional communications
> (such as regular mail). This is one of the foundations of "your
> employer owns all your personal email if sent from/to the office,
> privacy issues notwithstanding". I believe this will override Rabbi
> Gershom if the push comes to shove... ;-)

This is a matter of who owns the resources. It's no different than posing 
limitations on private phone calls on the office phones, or on company 
time. When an employer provides an employee with an email account due to 
the fact that this person is an employee, then this email account is 
intended to be used for work, and belongs to the employer. Whether a 
specific employer tolerates the use of that account for non-work 
communications as well, depends on the specific employer and on the 
employer-employee relationships.
Do you use your employer's snail mail address for personal correspondence?
It's not a privacy issue. It's an issue of ownership of a given resource.



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