Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> Isn't that what "Free Market" means? The usual sequence of events is
> that when you have 10 options for a library, 7-8 of them die out, and
> you are left with two. That's what happened in the desktop env (anyone
> still seriously using GNUStep? fvwm?)
> It's a good thing. Noone likes investing money in a product that doesn't
> take off, and noone will invest coding efforts (at least, not over time)
> in a product that noone uses. Very little products can survive without
> active maintanance (with qmail being the only noteable exception I can
> think of), and so even in the OpenSource world, if a product is
> abandoned, it will die out.
> One thing you should note, however, is that in this world, if a product
> dies out, you are not left out in the cold when something breaks.

I've never said anything against having many choices.
The opposite is true.
I wrote exactly the same thing that you say.
And even the "subject" says that (the word "Blessed").

I just wish to have a site that will allow me to choose the right tool
for my needs. And that will allow me to know which choices have the
best chances to succeed (either because of their features/quality, or
because of their "back"), so I will not stuck into a product that will
die, as you wrote.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
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