
I'd recommend the following book:
"Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide" - Steve Shah

This book, albeit older is quite good as a starting point
for administration. It also touches the usage of the CLI
and it covers some very basic administration functions.
It even shows how to incorporate your linux server into
a windows workgroup.
The only problem with it is that it covers RH 6.1 and many
things have changed since then...


On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 10:31:42 +0200, Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A friend of mine asked me for a recommendation for one or two
comprehensive intermediate level (i.e. not for complete novices or
idiots) reference books on Linux system and network administration,
and though I am usually able to find the right FM for a question at
hand, I found myself unable to recommend any single reference source
in a form of a dead tree or parchment.

Assuming responses like "Why does he need a book at all?" are
redirected to /dev/null, can anyone recommend anything generic enough
and comprehensive enough? Updated and correct to a reasonable degree...

It's OK if it is specific to a major distro. If it isn't - so much the
better. If there are none - it's a good answer as well.

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