Meir Michanie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I quit univeristy twice and I am partialy proud of it.

While this has no direct relevance to the B.Sc. dilemma, I suggest you
don't mention that to your next potential employer. A question that
jumps to my head immediately is, will you be equally proud of quitting
my company at some critical stage of development?

There may be a number of reasons why a company will want to hire a
university graduate in a relevant field. One clue may be arrived at by
considering the difference between a person who has graduated
successfully, and another who took all the same courses as a "shome'a
hofshi". The difference is ... the exams. You may think the exam
system is good, or you may think it is bad, but there is a certain
value in preparing yourself to this hurdle (maybe especially if the
type of the exam is not to your liking) and passing it.

For the record, I do *not* have a CS degree, so I probably would not

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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