On Wednesday 03 September 2003 01:55 am, Alexander Maryanovsky wrote:
> At 00:48 03.09.2003 +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> >>I just saw someone on the road with a "Hofshi ze yoter me hinam" hamakor
> >>bumper sticker (at least it had the logo) in an SGI car. I tried to catch
> >>him and ask on one of the intersections, but all the lights were green
> >>and so we eventually parted on the Rishon interchange. So who was it,
> >
> >Green car? If so, I probably know who that was.
> I think so... either that or blue (it was dark).
I have this sticker also on my blue car... however it is not an SGI car.

BTW I did not get my membership card also.

Ori Idan

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