Josh Roden wrote:

We (Hadassah College - Computer Science) want to give
a course in " Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)"
and are looking for and open source solution instead of
purchasing Rational ClearCase .
I would appreciate anybody's suggestions.
Josh Roden

I'm having the same problem at the moment - finding a decent UML/CASE tool that works on Linux, and is free (not the same).

I'll share with you what I've dug up, and I suggest you try a few and see which one 'floats your boat':

* Argouml - Free, Java based (aka sluggish) , limited in capabilities -
  only a few diagram types are supported.

* Poseidon - there are a few versions (based on Argouml). I used version
  1.6 Community Edition. I thought it was the best solution for me - it
  has more capabilities than Argo. It still a bit sluggish, and a
  little buggy (doesn't work well with big documents which contain
  dozens of classes). Oh, and you can't print in the CE version.

* Dia - not a case tool but a diagram tool, which has some limited UML
  capabilites. Free, but pretty ugly (it matters!), and not
  "intelligent" - doesn't really know about classes and attributes,
  except from a graphical point of view.

* Umbrello - haven't used it. QT based, find it at

* TCM - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling at . Haven't used it, so I can't

* Rational Rose - the mother of all CASE tools. There are evaluation
  versions that you can download (about 90 MB). I found it to be an
  overkill, and "too smart", but I'm not working on enterprise wide
  projects or anything like that.

Like I mentioned before, I found Poseidon CE to offer the best combination of features, although it's not without its faults. I don't know what their prices are like for the higher end versions.



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