Michael Sternberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> http://images.maariv.co.il/cache/cachearchive/21062001/ART157442.html
> http://images.maariv.co.il/cache/cachearchive/08042002/ART273128.html
> http://images.maariv.co.il/cache/cachearchive/10122001/ART220898.html
> http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/NodeView.asp?fid=964
> according to Globes - this company is closed...

This does not mean much. All the above links are from a few years ago,
and the company that was closed had dealt with advertising for ISPs or
some such, while this offer is for a company, possibly resurrected,
that is interested in "real-time Messaging Management Solutions for
ISPs and Backbones".

A more serious problem is that I get a server error for www.adwise.net
- the URL that is in the OP's signature. Looks like the server has
port 80 closed. You should be able to send your resume to adwise.net,
but you'll have to do it "blindly", without as much as checking out
the company's website.

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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