On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 04:34:53PM +0200, David Sapir wrote:

> How do I know which of the config files were used to compile my kernel (the 
> original distro kernel)?

Usually, there's correspondence between the kernel version of the
running kernel (try 'uname -a' to see it) and the config file's
name. For example, on the machine that has kernel
'2.4.22-1.2115.nptlsmp' running, the relevant configuration file is
/boot/config-2.4.22-1.2115.nptlsmp. Some distributions have a patch to
the kernel that makes it export its configuration file at run-time via
/proc/config.gz or some such. 

> Q2:
> After copying the right config file, when running 'make menuconfig'  do I 
> get the correct params as set in the selected config file?

You are supposed to, yes, but in the case where you start from an
earlier configuration file, it is recommended to use 'make oldconfig'
first, answer its questions, and then run 'make menuconfig' and change
anything you want. 'make oldconfig' is specifically targeted for the
situation where you have an existing configuration file that you want
to use as a basis for the current kernel configuration. 

> Q3:
> Does running 'make mrproper' delete the config file?

YES, as well as any other .config* file. You can read the Makefile to
see what exactly it does. 

> Q4:
> Is is important if I compile the encryption as a module or into the
> kernel?

Barring special circumstances, no. 


Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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