Quoting Hetz Ben Hamo, from the post of Fri, 24 Jun:
> Lesson to be learned - check really really well before signing up! it
> always worth paying a bit more and to find that you can have a serious
> company behind the offer...

I doubt there are any checks you can make about legal status of the
company owners... you have to trust at some point that your money goes
to a real company and the people running it are not criminals (or worse
yet, using the server you get service from for criminal stuff).

But the number 1 lesson - backup daily. I have a very active server, the
main site on it is a photographers' forum and on a good weekend some 150
megs of pictures might be uploaded, about a gig of JPEGs are uploaded
each month, and still with a smart usage of the disk space, differential
TARs and rsync I manage to make a very efficient daily rsync of the
nightly backup via cron, and that goes offline on DVDs every month
(should really be every week, but nobody is perfect).

For more creative backup solutions online, contact Lingnu :-)

what the government doesn't want you to know
Ira Abramov

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