On Wed, Sep 21, 2005, David Randelman wrote about "RE: Actcom without a dailer 
costs more":
> have no contractual limit on my usage, that I paid extra to increase my
> upload to 150kbps and to be fair, I don't think 20GB for 3 months (both TX
> and RX) is abusive of the service.

What's strange about these stories is that they appear to complain about
usages which don't appear extreme at all. 20 GB for 3 months is just 2.5 KB/s
(20 kbps), an amount that even a modem user could use (say, connected 8 hours
a day). If you're not even allowed to constantly use 20 kbps, what's the point
in selling you a 1500 kbps connection? If you use the full speed of your
connection for just 19 minutes a day, you'll reach 20 GB after 3 months.

And when you consider that downloading a new Linux distribution takes up
about 4 GB, that maintaining your system upgraded often requires a further
100 MB a week (hey, Fedora, stop updating huge packages like X, KDE, etc.!),
20 GB for 3 months doesn't even sound that much. I'd be suprised if I don't
reach 20 GB for 3 months as well - and I swear that I don't download any
movies :-)

Nadav Har'El                        |     Wednesday, Sep 21 2005, 17 Elul 5765
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |I put a dollar in one of those change
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |machines. Nothing changed.

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