On Friday 08 September 2006 15:27, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
>  I have reasons to believe the
> Israeli government is censoring me.

You've got to be kidding me.

Not only is it very difficult to pull off technically, it is ridiculous to 
think that the barely functioning Israeli government (BTW: what minister 
exactly? Or was it a cooperation of the Mosad and the little green men from 
Mars?) has decided to take a personal vendeta against you and "silence" you 
for being such a dangerous political activist. In the first time in the known 
world history, I might add. 
I guess "the government" is sorry it didn't have that great ability when 
Va'anunu was released from prison, or perhaps Va'anunu wasn't as dangerous as 
you and our government didn't want to use our entire "arsenal" on him.

One has to wonder why "they" haven't blocked your email to the list saying 
you're being censored but I don't want to ruin your paranoia with logic so 
I'll skip forward.

Common, being paranoid is fine, but you don't have to do it in a public Linux 
mailing list. People reading the archives might take you seriously.

> Do you know any secure way to send and receive E-mails, without
> censorship and without the risk of someone blocking them?

I guess you do - since you managed to send this email without censorship.

> If you think I deserve it, think again.  Today it's me, tomorrow it
> can be you too!

I certainly hope that you're wrong and whatever it is you have is _not_ 

> Uri.

- Aviram

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