
That is a great answer for network connections. Thanks - I am familiar with netstat -p My question regards DISK IO, (remember when processes were said to be "io-bound" or "cpu-bound"?)

I have a simply question, namely "How many disk block reads and writes is a process doing over a given period of time, and what is the minimum, maximum and average stats" This seemingly trivial question (which can easily be answered in a Windows operating system using the system performance monitor) appears to be a gray area at best.

I know there is work on io-accounting in the new versions of the kernel -- but a) I dont have the luxury of updating the kernel and b) these are stats I would expect to see in user space
like vmstat or top in any version of the kernel.

Still waiting for an answer.

I am sure one of the people on the list will know the answer.


Amos Shapira wrote:
On 22/12/06, *Beni Cherniavsky* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    On 20/12/06, Danny Lieberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    > How do I get the real IO (block reads/writes per second, not
    cached) of
    > each process on a running Linux system?
    > vmstat and iostat dont provide process level detail
    Same question about sockets - how do I find out which process hogs my
    network bandwidth?
    My current best solution is to use iftop to find the offending
    connection and then grep for the endpoint in lsof -i, which kind of
    works but feels silly.

First - to map network connections to processes all you have to do is add "-p" to netstat (as root, otherwise it'll list only your own processes).

Secondly - I asked a similar question ("how to count Skype traffic") a few months ago and was made aware of iptable's "owner" module, something like:

iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner skype --out-interface eth0 --protocol tcp -m recent --rdest --set --name Skype -j CONNMARK --set-mark 1

with my skype binary having a setgid bit set allows me to mark any new connection created by skype for later matching by rules like:

iptables -A OUTPUT -m connmark --mark 1 -m comment --comment skype-out-tcp

And then I retrieve the packet/byte counter on that rule.

You can match by UID, PID and command name.

Similar rules match incoming connections as well as UDP and ICMP.

In general - you can learn a lot from printing and reading the iptables manual cover-to-cover, you'll get some pretty cheeky ideas on the way ( e.g. maybe dynamically add rules to mark new connection to/from programs so the packets can be traced back).



Danny Lieberman

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