On Nov 20, 2007 3:19 PM, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Baruch Even wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The company I work for is trying to decide on a distribution for its
> > servers. One major criteria is having a support contract with
> > obligations from the support company. The tendency is toward RedHat
> > but I'd rather we use Debian.
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone knows of companies providing such a support
> > contract for Debian, Israeli or otherwise.
> >
> What kind of support contracts did you have in mind? End user support
> for desktops? Direct support for servers? Installation? IT?

We are deploying servers around the world (currently in one location,
later more) and we need to have external support for them. I'm not
sure on the exact plan and need as I'm "just" a developer. Currently
I'm the only Linux expert around and I'd rather stay a developer and
not turn into an operations/sys-admin guy. I believe what is wanted is
essentially a long term second line of support with obligations as to
response times and such, something akin to what is described for
RedHat at http://www.redhat.com/support/policy/sla/production/

I think that installation is already covered by our plans so this is
more of a longer term issue. I'm not looking for immediate quotes
though I will forward information to those in-charge to decide. I am
interested in companies that are able to provide such a level of
support for Debian servers.


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