On Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 06:32:12PM +0200, ik wrote:
> Well, first thing, what is the signalling at /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf set on 
> ?
> Secondly, do you have the following lines:
> busydetect=yes

This is the thing to use when all else fails

> hanguponpolarityswitch=yes

This is probably not supported in Israel. But it won't hurt to add this
if polarity reversal is not used by the provider.

> Also make sure you set /etc/zaptel.conf to work in israel zone. It can
> help detecting the right signals.

The tonezone has no effect on the hangup detection.

zapata.conf has actually independent settings "progzone", which stands
for call-PROGress-detection ZONE. It has only five possible settings,
and 2 of them are aliases to two of the others. Maybe setting
"progzone=uk" will give less false detections.

The other way to play with it is "busypattern":
; If busydetect is enabled, it is also possible to specify the cadence of your
; busy signal.  In many countries, it is 500msec on, 500msec off.  Without
; busypattern specified, we'll accept any regular sound-silence pattern that
; repeats <busycount> times as a busy signal.  If you specify busypattern,
; then we'll further check the length of the sound (tone) and silence, which
; will further reduce the chance of a false positive.

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