On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Saldivar, Maurice A.
<maurice.a.saldi...@hpe.com> wrote:
> I applied this and the kernel patch and was successfully able to
> configure an NVDIMM-N into sector mode. I do have a question about
> specific behavior I observed. Before I was able to configure an NVDIMM
> into any mode from any mode. With these patchs if I go to sector mode
> and try going to memory or dax mode it fails with:
> # ndctl create-namespace -f -e namespace0.0 -m memory
>   Error: namespace0.0: sector_size: 4096 not supported
> failed to reconfigure namespace: Invalid argument
> but if I go sector->raw-><mode> I can get into other modes fine. Was
> this the intended behavior?

Nope, that's another bug. I'll fix that up.

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