On Thursday 02 January 2003 13:53, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:

> La GPL ne garantit rien, si ce n'est qu'il est *possible* si l'on
> investit l'argent et le temps nécessaire de s'assurer que le logiciel
> fonctionnera également plus tard sur une version ultérieure.

Oui. Heureusement les choses progressent... pour preuve le changement 
d'attitude d'HP avec ses drivers d'imprimantes :

This driver is the first free driver issued by HP for their DeskJet and 
LaserJet printers. Since version 1.0.1 HP has put it under a BSD-like license 
without the restriction that it is only allowed to use the driver with HP 
printers, as it was the case for HPIJS 1.0 and earlier. So this driver is 
really free software now.


The Hewlett-Packard Inkjet Driver Project (HPIJS) is a add-on printer driver 
for GNU Ghostscript. This driver is open source software based on the 
Hewlett-Packard Appliance Printing Development Kit APDK for deskjet printers. 
The driver uses the IJS interface which is a generalized IPC interface for 
client/server communications. The IJS interface, which was written by Raph 
Levien of Ghostscript, was inspired by the first HPIJS interface. The IJS 
interface can be used by any printer manufacturer. 

A mon avis, les dernières phrases des deux paragraphes sont particulièrement 

Pour plus d'infos :



http://www-internal.alphanet.ch/linux-leman/ avant de poser
une question. Ouais, pour se désabonner aussi.

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