I can't help with the how-to (generally with apt-get it's open a terminal
session and then "sudo apt-get update" and then wait for the repositories to
respond and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" or possibily "sudo apt-get
dist-upgrade"), but this might help with the what-is (you might also try the
Synaptic Package Manager which should be accessible from one of the tabs).
Good luck!

>From WikiPedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asus_Eee_PC) :

Xandros, a Linux distribution, boots in 20-22 seconds on the Eee PC,[83]
substantially faster than the boot time for an installation of Windows XP on
the same hardware.[84] Xandros on the Eee PC runs a custom tab-based
interface, uses IceWM as the default window manager, and comes with forty
bundled software applications including OpenOffice.org, Mozilla Firefox,
Skype,[85] Tux Paint and other educational entertainment software, e-mail
and Internet radio applications, and look-up tools for Google Docs and

The operating system drivers for the ACPI and Wireless devices supplied with
the pre-installed Xandros operating system are versions of software licensed
under the GNU General Public License. The company released the source code
as a ZIP file along with the product; however, it has been reported that a
small percentage of the source may be missing, and some device driver
software appears obfuscated.[87] In the absence of necessary source code,
other Linux kernel versions and distributions on the device are less easy to
use with some of the hardware. Asus has requested people help by identifying
specific source code which is still missing[88] and has since released the
source code for the ACPI module.[89] They have also released the patched
Linux kernel sources and their Busybox sources.[90]

The Synaptic Package Manager and apt-get can be used to install additional
software through the repositories.

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