Op ma 28 jan. 2019 om 21:32 schreef Michael Schmitz <schmitz...@gmail.com>:
> How much RAM does your HP have?

It has 64 MB, so no problems there.

> Your NFS root file system is probably of a similar vintage to what I use
> with only 14 MB. No trouble up to kernel version 4.20. 5.0-rc7 (??) also
> boots OK, but some recent changes to the VM config appear to cause
> frequent page allocation failure (the kernel attempts to keep a lot more
> free pages in reserve than it used to do in 4.20). If you are low on
> memory, I'd stick with 4.x for now.

I tried several kernels, 4.20, 5.0 and some late 2.6.3x version.

> How far along in the boot do you get?

Not far. Screen goes blank, the leds stay at state 0x55 (set right
before calling start_kernel()).

But this gave me a feeling of deja-vu...
(https://marc.info/?l=linux-m68k&m=117175646524933 - it broke after
introducing discontinuous memory support).

Digging a bit deeper it turns out that the proposed patch from Roman
(https://marc.info/?l=linux-m68k&m=117184910524555&w=2) that fixed my
problem never made it into the tree.
Since then there have been more changes to
arch/m68k/kernel/mm/motorola.c so that patch probably needs some
changing (and testing on other platforms).

Kind regards,


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